
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, June 10, 2013

Final Chapter in Swear to Howdy for My 5B Babies:)

I was glad to see emails and get ooVoo calls about Swear to Howdy.  The last chapter is linked below! I can't wait to see what you think about the FINAL chapter.  Do you like how it ends?  Were you surprised at anything?  What would you have changed?  What did you NOT like?

Here you go!  LAST CHAPTER OF SWEAR to HOWDY!  Email me to let me know what you think!

Also, I have that Technology Conference on June 19, remember.  I will meet with Mrs. Petroski for sure and any of my 5B Angels (ding) from this year.  Only 6 of us will be able to meet.  So, if you are interested, your parents are ok with it, and you are free on Wednesday, June 19 around 2:45 - 3:45 p.m., PLEASE email me and make this plan with me.  Be sure your parents email me, too or give me a call to be sure you are available.  I'll only being chatting with you for about 5 minutes or less, somewhere during that time period.

I hope you are enjoying a teeny bit of sun today!  I see it for the first time!  Yippee!!

Peace Out,
Mrs. Sorenson

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Finish Reading Swear to Howdy for My 5B Babies:)

Sorry it took me so long to post this!  I read and video-taped it last night, but I then got crazy busy at school.  Now, I just realized that I hadn't posted it yet!!  See, my brain really is going crazy!

Here's the end of Chapter 12.  It is AWESOME!  It's about 10 minutes.  I'll post another blog/video for the last chapter sometime this weekend. OK?  Please email me to let me know if you checked this blog and listened to the rest of this chapter!  I hope your first day of summer was fun, fun, fun!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



(This part is from Mrs. Sorenson - down below)
My last 5B Blog of 2012-2013...
It's been a year of laughs... learning...and life memories..  Thank you for letting me be a part of your 5th grade year.  It's been a year I'll never forget.. Global classrooms will change the world... and just think.. You were the start of it!

Seriously... I do get pretty emotional on the last day of school saying goodbye to my 5B Family.  Be nice about it.  If you have ever had a chance to be caring and thoughtful, this would be a good time....

Miss you all...
Tear, tear, tear.... Sniffle, Sniffle, Sniffle.
~Your 5B Family Mama... Mrs.  Sorenson

Monday, June 3, 2013

Last Monday.... EVER... Tear, Tear, Sniffle, Sniffle...

This is getting serious... we are down to 1 1/2 days of being a 5B Family... I'm start to feel the emotions sneak up on me!  Ahhh...  I always get this way!  Ask any teacher or former 5B Family member!  I get so attached to my 5B Angels (ding), that I REALLY get sad to pass them along to another grade!  Aha!   That's all I need to do!  Just keep you IN 5TH GRADE AGAIN!  Be sure to check your report cards on Wednesday before you leave - the bottom right corner will tell you what grade you'll be in NEXT YEAR... if it says "5th"..sorry, you are STUCK with me AGAIN:)  HEEheheheheheeHHEeee!  (I need Lalo's evil laugh right there!)

Ok.. so for Tuesday...
1)  Wicked Readers:  Memphis, Lalo, Bryer and Daniel!  Yeh!  I've totally loved these performances!
2)  Bring a snack and drink if you choose to for City of Ember.
3)  Bring an extra bag or something if you think you'll need more to bring home materials from desks, crates and lockers:)  Some of you have a scary amount of items in there!
4)  Vault Ceremony from Cresco Bank & Trust!
5)  PBIS Recess and Ice Cream  - You Go 5th GRADE!
6)  Last day of band - bring instruments!

Check out this COUNTDOWN TO SUMMER VACATION! (click that back there!)  I'll know you checked the blog if you tell me the DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES and SECONDS when you checked this link!

Goodnight my 5B Rock Stars... Have a super last Monday night of your 5th grade year:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Last WEEK of 5th GRADE... Tear, Sniffle...

 Wow!  It is just crazy to think we are at this point??!!  I get excited about this time of year, then sad, then emotional, then tired, of course, proud, and many more!  My little 5B Babies are growing up and ready to move on:(  Remember, you'll always be a part of our 5B Family.  So, I expect return visits and emails from you all even when you move onto to bigger and better things, right?!

Before I get too far into the what's coming up, I want to mention how amazing the field trip to St. Paul went!  We had awesome, helpful chaperones that made it possible!  We had students full of Cadet Pride!  And I bet we even learned a thing or two!?  Golly??!  We did miss Carl, but we thought of him often and even got an email from him about how his day was going.  I'll show some pictures right away on Monday morning from the trip!  Fun, fun, fun!

This week will fly by WAY too quickly, so I want to give the major heads up:
Monday:  Last day of switching classes, last P.E., Wicked Readers: Memphis/Lalo, Finish Benchmark Tests (forever!)

Tuesday:  PBIS Ice-cream and recess reward, Vault Bank Ceremony, Coffee Talk, Wicked Readers: Bryer/Daniel, Cleaning out desks/lockers, Still have Band Class

Wednesday:  3-hour early out, Report Cards go home, Final Farewell where Mrs. Sorenson cries....
**There are other events that I am not telling you about.  I always enjoy the element of surprise!!

Also, Mrs. Petroski got me the final music video!!!!  It truly is sooooo crazy awesome!  I've watched it like 4 times, and I just want to see it again and again and again!  You guys did amazing!  I can't wait for you to see it yourselves!

I'll know you checked the blog if you tell me ONE thing you are looking forward to this week.  And NO, it can't be that it is the last day of school.  I'm curious if there's anything on that list of events I have for Monday - Wednesday that you are looking forward to.

So, whatcha thinking?

Happy last Sunday night or Monday morning blog checking:) :(