Please check out the Science Museum of MN's website to get a sneak peek of what you are about to enjoy on Friday!
Click Here!
Get a good night's rest for your early bus ride! Be at the school at 6:30 a.m.
Be sure you have THESE items:
3) COOLER (for the lunch and drinks)
4) Good walking shoes - it's a LOT of walking (good exercise!)
5) IF you get motion sickness or need certain kinds of medication from home, be sure it is in a baggie labeled with how much, how often, and your name. Bring that right to your chaperone in the morning.
If you WANT, you MAY bring these items:
1) DVD for sharing
2) Money for souvenirs
3) Travel entertainment - bring at your own risk and be sure that it is 100% used appropriately
**Any devices used for texting, Snapchats, Instagram, Facetime, etc. will be held by the chaperon
4) Small pillow
5) Backpack
I'll know you checked the blog if you you come give me a good morning "hug" BEFORE checking in with your chaperone! I'll be happy to reward those extra effort students!
See you bright and early!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Fabulous Day! (Except for 2 Tech Class Behaviors)
Are you getting bored of me saying how amazing you are yet? I hope not... 'cause I'm gonna keep braggin'! The class can take on just about ANYTHING at this point with the amazing self-control, serious attitude toward work and effort. However, remember how EASY it is to let things slip though, like at planner time, scissors in Tech Class, letting inappropriate language slip, and maybe control the extra chatting in puberty class even. These are teeny examples from a FABULOUS day, but they still add up! So, let's make our last 16 days together be our absolute BEST ever!!!
I'm thinking we have quite the blog checkers lately, and we have a few who just aren't putting in even a bit of the effort at checking. Let's give those blog checkers the well-deserved appreciation tomorrow. DON'T TELL any of the non blog checkers, but anyone who checks the blog tonight has proof in this paragraph. If you write down, "Yep, blog proof pays off!" with your name on it and hand it to me in the morning.... I'll be happy to show my appreciation. I'll bring gum for people to chew for the morning time (not band time though or during Mentor/Tutoring time). I'll tell you to "stick with checking the blog because it DOES pay off!"
For those who haven't seen your Iowa Assessment scores yet, I'll share those with you tomorrow. If you KNOW you met your goal, be sure to be planning out the things you need/want to do to get your reward! Oh, and I added up ALL of our recess minutes... And the GRAND TOTAL OF EXTRA RECESS COMES OUT TO......
Also, we have a bit of a goofy schedule Thursday with Mrs. McCabe making up guidance class in the morning.
And today's meeting with our 5B New York classmates went so well! Check out the video link below and the pictures from today. Mr. Carver, Mrs. Grimm and Mrs. Jurgensen are so impressed with the activities they see in our classroom! So proud of the mature and responsible online chatting!
Click Here for the Video Link
I'm thinking we have quite the blog checkers lately, and we have a few who just aren't putting in even a bit of the effort at checking. Let's give those blog checkers the well-deserved appreciation tomorrow. DON'T TELL any of the non blog checkers, but anyone who checks the blog tonight has proof in this paragraph. If you write down, "Yep, blog proof pays off!" with your name on it and hand it to me in the morning.... I'll be happy to show my appreciation. I'll bring gum for people to chew for the morning time (not band time though or during Mentor/Tutoring time). I'll tell you to "stick with checking the blog because it DOES pay off!"
For those who haven't seen your Iowa Assessment scores yet, I'll share those with you tomorrow. If you KNOW you met your goal, be sure to be planning out the things you need/want to do to get your reward! Oh, and I added up ALL of our recess minutes... And the GRAND TOTAL OF EXTRA RECESS COMES OUT TO......
Will we even have time for class anymore??? Way to go, everyone!
Also, we have a bit of a goofy schedule Thursday with Mrs. McCabe making up guidance class in the morning.
And today's meeting with our 5B New York classmates went so well! Check out the video link below and the pictures from today. Mr. Carver, Mrs. Grimm and Mrs. Jurgensen are so impressed with the activities they see in our classroom! So proud of the mature and responsible online chatting!
Click Here for the Video Link
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Really Short Post!
Tonight's post is just proving you checked the blog by playing this crazy game, Whack-a-bone! Click on the link HERE to play.
See my score below for finding the bones of the arm! It took me 3 times to get that score! It may NOT work on your iPad, so try it on a laptop or come in to the Discovery Center to check it out! Either write it down, send me an email photo attachment, or any way you can prove it!
See my score below for finding the bones of the arm! It took me 3 times to get that score! It may NOT work on your iPad, so try it on a laptop or come in to the Discovery Center to check it out! Either write it down, send me an email photo attachment, or any way you can prove it!
Bonus Blog Proof is... to tell me what time we are Skyping with our 5B classmates in New York! (The answer is 9:45 a.m.)
Oh, and Isaiah wanted to know if you guys liked his Elephants Have Wrinkles song:)
Monday, April 27, 2015
Another Marvelous Monday!
5B has it DOWN, baby! Man, it is such an awesome feeling to come home and brag to people I bump into about how great my day is because of the amazing kids that show SUCH Cadet Pride and maturity! My babies are growing up... Tear, Tear...Sniff, Sniff... Mama Sorenson is so proud!
The only homework I know of for you to work on was your Writing Journal Prompt (and we saw what a great one looks like when you stick to the topic from Noah) and your Book Creator app for Mrs. Suckow. Oh, but don't forget your Puberty Packet that is due tomorrow. You've had a WHOLE WEEK to work on it and get it done. I'll ask you to show me THAT in the morning as well as your writing:)
I hope you are spending SOME time outside tonight. Isaiah and I decided to do a picnic at a park. He wanted the elementary school I'm back at school!
The only homework I know of for you to work on was your Writing Journal Prompt (and we saw what a great one looks like when you stick to the topic from Noah) and your Book Creator app for Mrs. Suckow. Oh, but don't forget your Puberty Packet that is due tomorrow. You've had a WHOLE WEEK to work on it and get it done. I'll ask you to show me THAT in the morning as well as your writing:)
I hope you are spending SOME time outside tonight. Isaiah and I decided to do a picnic at a park. He wanted the elementary school I'm back at school!
It is so NICE out! We'll have our sandwiches and then play a bit more before it's time to head home and get ready for bed!
Blog Proof Tonight!
Ok, this is from Isaiah. He has been talking about this video/song from Mrs. Marr's room for a while. We listened to it last night and tonight and NOW I can't get it out of my head! Watch the video....enough times to know the WHOLE thing! After the pledge, I'll say, "What animals have wrinkles?" You should start singing the song...and maybe even adding some of your own actions to it! I'll be HAPPY to reward those who put in the extra enthusiasm!
Click Here! (and thank Isaiah for this silly blog proof!)
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Last Week = MAPs Madness... and ICE CREAM!
I can't believe I didn't take a single picture of our ice cream MAPs celebration! I guess Mrs. Powers and I were so busy scooping that we didn't think to grab my phone! Oops! It was a fun way to end the week after excellent improvements in your spring scores and such a fantastic music concert on Thursday. I wanted to post some of the class photos from Thursday night, but I'm having some tech issues with my phone sending out the photos to get on the blog... Grr... Love Technology....when it works:) Right?
So, imagine your smiling faces from Thursday night.... your goofy photos.... then Friday's delicious snack and partial viewing from The Lion King! It WAS a fun morning! I also have AWESOME photos of many of you working on friendship bracelets for our New York 5B classmates And the Lerata Elementary kids in Kenya......AFRICA..... Again, I do know where it is!! Again, my phone isn't sending.
Last week was REALLY wacky with schedule, and you guys were absolute ROCK STARS (neeneeneneereereerrrr) working with it. This week will be BACK to routine and work for 4 days in a row! Then, of course, Friday is WAY out of WHACK with our fun-filled EARLY starting day to St. Paul, MN. This Monday through Thursday is a great chance to show that Friday will run smoothy and that 5B is one TOP-NOTCH class to try and compete with!
1) Puberty Packets are due Tuesday. If you have LOST yours (shame, shame...), you'll need to go to Mrs. Bourassa on Monday morning to the nurses's office and ask for a new one.
2) Back to Writing Journal Homework:) Last week was quite a nice little break, huh?
3) Friday's Field Trip - Be sure to review what items to bring (cooler with own lunch, 2 plastic-bottled drinks, own items for bus ride, etc.) Be sure to review what TIME to be at the school on Friday morning (6:30 a.m. - YIKES!)
4) If you have any other materials to share for bracelet making, bring them on in! It was a blast seeing so many of you work together and help each other learn new methods. You'll get to take the bracelet making materials to Library on Monday for Maker Space activities! Maybe we can get more done!
Finally.... your blog proof! It slipped my mind that our school is in a Spring Walk Wellness Competition. It hasn't been really mentioned a lot, so I've forgotten to talk to YOU about it! However, now that it's been brought to your attention, you need to know what we could GET if our class were to WIN! If 5B gets the most minutes of WALKING recorded by May 8, our class gets yummy, freshly made fruit smoothies! So, I'm thinking we need to be quite creative in how we still get our work done, but add some fitness fun into our day! So... I'm wondering what you guys think we can do that allows us to get extra minutes of walking in. Go to the TodaysMeet link and add your ideas. I added one idea. Try not to add the exact same idea as someone else, or at least write down that you AGREE with So-and-So's idea to ....blah blah blah! The way you guys gobbled down that ice cream, I'm thinking those fruit smoothies may sound kind of tempting! Let's do this!!
I can't believe I didn't take a single picture of our ice cream MAPs celebration! I guess Mrs. Powers and I were so busy scooping that we didn't think to grab my phone! Oops! It was a fun way to end the week after excellent improvements in your spring scores and such a fantastic music concert on Thursday. I wanted to post some of the class photos from Thursday night, but I'm having some tech issues with my phone sending out the photos to get on the blog... Grr... Love Technology....when it works:) Right?
So, imagine your smiling faces from Thursday night.... your goofy photos.... then Friday's delicious snack and partial viewing from The Lion King! It WAS a fun morning! I also have AWESOME photos of many of you working on friendship bracelets for our New York 5B classmates And the Lerata Elementary kids in Kenya......AFRICA..... Again, I do know where it is!! Again, my phone isn't sending.
Last week was REALLY wacky with schedule, and you guys were absolute ROCK STARS (neeneeneneereereerrrr) working with it. This week will be BACK to routine and work for 4 days in a row! Then, of course, Friday is WAY out of WHACK with our fun-filled EARLY starting day to St. Paul, MN. This Monday through Thursday is a great chance to show that Friday will run smoothy and that 5B is one TOP-NOTCH class to try and compete with!
1) Puberty Packets are due Tuesday. If you have LOST yours (shame, shame...), you'll need to go to Mrs. Bourassa on Monday morning to the nurses's office and ask for a new one.
2) Back to Writing Journal Homework:) Last week was quite a nice little break, huh?
3) Friday's Field Trip - Be sure to review what items to bring (cooler with own lunch, 2 plastic-bottled drinks, own items for bus ride, etc.) Be sure to review what TIME to be at the school on Friday morning (6:30 a.m. - YIKES!)
4) If you have any other materials to share for bracelet making, bring them on in! It was a blast seeing so many of you work together and help each other learn new methods. You'll get to take the bracelet making materials to Library on Monday for Maker Space activities! Maybe we can get more done!
Finally.... your blog proof! It slipped my mind that our school is in a Spring Walk Wellness Competition. It hasn't been really mentioned a lot, so I've forgotten to talk to YOU about it! However, now that it's been brought to your attention, you need to know what we could GET if our class were to WIN! If 5B gets the most minutes of WALKING recorded by May 8, our class gets yummy, freshly made fruit smoothies! So, I'm thinking we need to be quite creative in how we still get our work done, but add some fitness fun into our day! So... I'm wondering what you guys think we can do that allows us to get extra minutes of walking in. Go to the TodaysMeet link and add your ideas. I added one idea. Try not to add the exact same idea as someone else, or at least write down that you AGREE with So-and-So's idea to ....blah blah blah! The way you guys gobbled down that ice cream, I'm thinking those fruit smoothies may sound kind of tempting! Let's do this!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Awesome Music Rehearsal Today!!
You NEED to brag to your families about how cool your music program is going to be tomorrow night! Be sure they know you need to be at the high school by 6:30. The program begins at 7:00. EVERYONE truly does a fantastic job... Love the boys' song, the girls' song and the group songs! It's the BEST one in YEARS! Usually, I don't bring Isaiah to these concerts, but I AM this year! He'll love it!
I hope you had a good afternoon off! I've worked my hiney off for you, Sweetie Pies!
Your only blog proof is to watch this video link and be able to tell "mimic it in class" when we start the day. Watch many times if you need to:) The more enthusiastic you are with it....the better:)
Click Here!! :)
Be sure you get a good night's rest and be ready for your LAST MAPs test - Language! I SCREAM, You SCREAM, We all SCREAM for ICE CREAM!!!!
Remember, you can bring your own snack or gum for during. I know chewing gum DOES help me stay alert and focused, so that might be a good idea for some of you during this last test!
I hope you had a good afternoon off! I've worked my hiney off for you, Sweetie Pies!
Your only blog proof is to watch this video link and be able to tell "mimic it in class" when we start the day. Watch many times if you need to:) The more enthusiastic you are with it....the better:)
Click Here!! :)
Be sure you get a good night's rest and be ready for your LAST MAPs test - Language! I SCREAM, You SCREAM, We all SCREAM for ICE CREAM!!!!
Remember, you can bring your own snack or gum for during. I know chewing gum DOES help me stay alert and focused, so that might be a good idea for some of you during this last test!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Wow, 5B (and 5D),
Mrs. Bourassa was quite impressed with your serious listening and following along today. I was proud of all of the people participating to fill in the blanks today! Great job showing your maturity! I also heard 19 students walk out of the door today saying a word from puberty class and NOT ONE GIGGLE! That is MAJOR!!!! Awesome!!
Don't forget that Puberty Class is a part of Science and will be graded each week with your homework that is assigned. :) Tyler helped me see my "rushing and making silly mistakes" ways... The green note about friendship bracelets has a major mistake in geography on it! The opportunity to work with the students from 5B in NY is awesome... but adding a connection to Kenya, AFRICA is even more amazing! For those who noticed, I placed Kenya in South America... OOPS! Below shows where AFRICA and KENYA are ACTUALLY located on the globe:)
Mrs. Bourassa was quite impressed with your serious listening and following along today. I was proud of all of the people participating to fill in the blanks today! Great job showing your maturity! I also heard 19 students walk out of the door today saying a word from puberty class and NOT ONE GIGGLE! That is MAJOR!!!! Awesome!!
Don't forget that Puberty Class is a part of Science and will be graded each week with your homework that is assigned. :) Tyler helped me see my "rushing and making silly mistakes" ways... The green note about friendship bracelets has a major mistake in geography on it! The opportunity to work with the students from 5B in NY is awesome... but adding a connection to Kenya, AFRICA is even more amazing! For those who noticed, I placed Kenya in South America... OOPS! Below shows where AFRICA and KENYA are ACTUALLY located on the globe:)
So, if your family is willing or able to share, we'd start as soon as we can!
Reading: 5B's Own Reading Calendar - 15 minutes of reading
Writing: Either Writing Journal OR Finish Classmate Biography (depending on who needs to)
Math: None
Social Studies: Work on Choice Board - WANT IT DONE ASAP!!!
Science/Puberty: Earth Day Pic Collage - Can turn into Showbie BY Friday AND Puberty Packet due next Tuesday!
Field Trip Permission Slip Returned - TOMORROW (WED.)
Music Program - Thursday Night
Supplies for bracelets (if family approves)
I'll know you checked the blog tonight if you whisper to me, "Mrs. Sorenson, we have a bus evacuation drill right away this morning BEFORE our VERY LONG music practice."
That should give you a hint about what our day will be like tomorrow! Have great nights! Thanks for your usual AWESOMENESS!
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Sounds like a GREAT FRIDAY!!!
Hey there, 5B!
What a full inbox I had from all of you! It sounds like most of you thought Friday went well through the morning. That's fantastic! I LOVED the selfies! It was super funny to read how your responses to my questions. Some of you simply stated... yes, fine, I don't know, not sure... While others actually EXPLAINED your answers! Either way, it was nice to hear/see from each of you! It sounds like people got through the literacy assessment, got some work done on your Classmate Biographies and had a pretty good music class! I believe I remember many of you mentioning that you got 4 Blue Tickets! Now, THAT's what we call.....
Since you let me know how your day went, I'll share a few pictures from my day with Isaiah:) It was SUCH a perfect day out! OMG! After Isaiah visited his future kindergarten classroom in the morning, he and a friend played outside in the dirt for a bit! Alaina, you should know the other boy for sure!
So, that's how I spent my day on Friday! I hope all of you enjoyed the awesome weather we had this weekend doing SOMETHING you enjoy! Get some rest tonight though because we have MAPs testing all week!
Friday...NORMAL!!! (HUH? What's that?) If everyone is done with his/her MAPs tests, we can count up our scoops and have our ICE CREAM Celebration! Yum-Yum!
What a full inbox I had from all of you! It sounds like most of you thought Friday went well through the morning. That's fantastic! I LOVED the selfies! It was super funny to read how your responses to my questions. Some of you simply stated... yes, fine, I don't know, not sure... While others actually EXPLAINED your answers! Either way, it was nice to hear/see from each of you! It sounds like people got through the literacy assessment, got some work done on your Classmate Biographies and had a pretty good music class! I believe I remember many of you mentioning that you got 4 Blue Tickets! Now, THAT's what we call.....
Remember, it was JUST LAST WEEK, that we had the discussion that we needed to work on our Cadet Pride in all areas but to REALLY focus on Specials! Wowser!! I shouldn't be surprised because I ABSOLUTELY know that you guys are ALWAYS capable of 100% FABULOUS!
Since you let me know how your day went, I'll share a few pictures from my day with Isaiah:) It was SUCH a perfect day out! OMG! After Isaiah visited his future kindergarten classroom in the morning, he and a friend played outside in the dirt for a bit! Alaina, you should know the other boy for sure!
Then it was inside for a quick Subway lunch before taking off to the bouncy houses!
Apparently, Isaiah felt the need to hold his friend in place??? (Weird kid!) |
Then it was about 2 1/2 hours of running, climbing, sliding, laughing, bouncing, and most of all...
Of course, the boys needed a cool down treat so a stop at Cold Stone Creamery was JUST the answer!
![]() |
This JUST might come in front of my love for Cactus bread... It's a pretty close race though:) |
Tuesday - MAPs Test: Math (same about snack)
Wednesday - Early out and MAJOR MUSIC PRACTICE
Thursday - MAPs Test: Language (same about snack)
I'll know you checked the blog if you come in and write a nice, encouraging note on the green wall for the class about doing their best for MAPs tests. Be sure we can read it, and it's truly a helpful, thoughtful comment for everyone to think about:) It's always great to have people supporting you, isn't it?!
These are just a few examples! Go ahead and make up your own!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
5B.... We are on a ROLL...
Please be sure to model for Mrs. O. on Friday how amazing 5B can be at ANY TIME, ANY DAY, ANY WEEK! I know she'll have so much fun with you when you show this side!!
![]() |
Get it? HAA HAA HAAA!!! |
You'll have a normal schedule tomorrow except the only ones going to Cadet Time rooms will be Mr. Knobloch's group and Mrs. Walter's group. The rest will have an activity in our room with Mrs. O.
Be sure your writing prompt is ready to show right away in the morning! Mrs. O. did this with 5D for 3 mornings when she was here for Mrs. Suckow back in March, so she knows to check for a certain amount. Mrs. Powers can check as well:)
Ok, here's your only blog proof... Watch Isaiah's video and write down what Isaiah says. Show it to Mrs. O.
Have great weekends! Check back on Sunday (like usual for reminders!) for the weekend.
Oh, a MAJOR reminder is to return those field trip notes... I saw at least ONE person's just laying on the floor today. I put it at his/her spot as a reminder. I sure would miss one of our 5B family if they don't get to go along on the trip:(
Don't let this be you...
"Hey, guys! Wait up! I got my slip in finally..."
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
REALLY busy night for my family tonight...
Just be sure that you talk to your family's about the field trip, go over the times and what you need. We'll chat more tomorrow though for specific questions.
Great job on getting writing pieces done for your Writing Journal. Very impressed with the daily writing you've been doing for over 3 weeks! I bet you thought you couldn't do it, huh?!
Ok, blog proof...
Simply whisper to me as you come in... "You didn't have any blog proof for us Wednesday night."
Nighty Night... Sorry so short!
Just be sure that you talk to your family's about the field trip, go over the times and what you need. We'll chat more tomorrow though for specific questions.
Great job on getting writing pieces done for your Writing Journal. Very impressed with the daily writing you've been doing for over 3 weeks! I bet you thought you couldn't do it, huh?!
Ok, blog proof...
Simply whisper to me as you come in... "You didn't have any blog proof for us Wednesday night."
Nighty Night... Sorry so short!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The Dream Class is IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT... Everybody's gonna have a good time...
What a fantastic, amazing day back on track for 5B! We are just kickin' butt, aren't we?! Ok, I won't get too confident because there's always room to improve, but WOWZA, keep it UP!!
I'll keep it WAY short! Be sure your giving 15 minutes to your "friend" after your "speed dating" experience today. You chose them to spend time with, so don't be rude and ignore them after you just met! Then be sure to get your Writing Prompt done as well! We'll check those right away as we start our day, ok?
Be sure to bring anything you want for our Chillax time tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for the extra ideas/songs you've put on the TodaysMeet. Add more if you want anything else.
The time has been moved a teeny bit, but we'll still have it in the afternoon like I said today. Remember these things might be fun to have...
Costumes/Parts of Costumes
Own Devices
Pillow for "nap time"!
I'll know you checked the blog if you have out 3 things for writing right away...
1) Your Writing Prompt response (like always)
2) Your Biography of a Classmate Question Page and notebook!
(We are going to work on that RIGHT AWAY before we have Cadet Time since we won't have any time during literacy due to our REWARD!!) So the more prepared we are, the more we can get done!
3) MOST IMPORTANT... A HUGE, MONSTER SMILE (but no chatting along with it)
Monday, April 13, 2015
Mellow Monday... That's for Sure!
Well, we started off pretty slow this morning, but obviously cranked it up with our quick and refreshing game of blob tag! I'd love to do some more of that! But the BIGGEST excitement SHOULD have come when we realized we MET OUR CLASS GOAL ALREADY!!!

I was thinking about when this would/could happen this week, and I'm thinking that Wednesday afternoon might be a PERFECT time since we already have a goofy schedule with Music Practice!
How does that sound to ya'll? A-Okay??
That means we need some song ideas for a Lip Sync Battle!!
to give suggestions whether you are going to actually perform or just watch! Be sure they are songs that most of us would know so we can actually lip sync!
Be sure to get your homework done tonight. It looked like a long list for some of you. I'm hopeful to see all work done AND refreshed faces because you enjoyed some outside time, too!
I'll know you checked the blog because there was one Animoto video that we did NOT see fully today. Click the link to watch it. See me in the morning and tell me ONE thing you learned about this person by watching the video!

One more blog proof will be a bit silly.... When you walk in the room (before telling me about the video you watched) walk through the door as if you are a baby bird taking its first flight out of the nest... "you're scared, excited and full of little flapping wing effort" so you don't plummet to the ground! No sound effects though!
See you Tuesday morning! Remember, the "Early bird gets the worm!"
Sunday, April 12, 2015
If you didn't get outside at some point this weekend.....

Ok... I guess I'll forgive you if not, but boy, oh, boy, we need to enjoy these sunny days when we get them! I went for a quick run this morning (and saw both Josh with his family in a car and Hunter from 5D) and I was actually sweating!!! Yippee for spring weather!!
So, I hope you enjoyed your weekend no matter how you spent it. I was looking back over my pictures today from our visit with Maribeth Boelts, and I STILL can't believe how lucky we were to have her in our school for 2 full days talking to us about being a writer!! Here are just a few pictures from our visit with her....

Ok... I guess I'll forgive you if not, but boy, oh, boy, we need to enjoy these sunny days when we get them! I went for a quick run this morning (and saw both Josh with his family in a car and Hunter from 5D) and I was actually sweating!!! Yippee for spring weather!!
So, I hope you enjoyed your weekend no matter how you spent it. I was looking back over my pictures today from our visit with Maribeth Boelts, and I STILL can't believe how lucky we were to have her in our school for 2 full days talking to us about being a writer!! Here are just a few pictures from our visit with her....
This week should be pretty normal except for the extra music practice on Wednesday and something on Friday...but I'm not telling you what that is yet!! Heheheee!
Something NEW for us this week is our Special Tickets set up ONLY for our special classes from now on: Library, Art, Tech, P.E. and Music (and Guidance when we have it)
Remember we have set expectations, positive and negative points and a goal to work on especially in those classes to show that 5B puts in that extra effort when we see we need it, right?!
![]() |
We will start these on Monday with Library. Our biggest area to work on in Library is staying on task when Mrs. Shekleton is not leading you.... staying on the assigned app, site or job, working independently, having self-control with side talking, and using your time wisely.
Ok, for blog proof... It's a bit silly... but Isaiah saw that I had my toenails painted and wanted his painted, too. Here are his finished toes. You can't see it, but each toe has a different color - ranging from purple, pink, silver, lavender, and lighter pink. I told him that "Usually" girls have their toes painted to look pretty, and boys like to be handsome but don't care about toenails.'
Which one of these statements below do you think Isaiah said as a response to my statement?
A. "Then wash it off 'cause I don't care about toenails." (in a serious tone)
B. "I want to be beautiful." (in a sweet tone)
C. "Boys can be pretty too." (in a bossy/snooty tone)
D. "Daddy's gonna be pretty mad." (in a scared tone)
On the white wall, I'll have A, B, C, D in columns. Write your name in the column you think is the correct response as your blog proof. I'll reveal the answer before people head off to band!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Fun and Fabulous Friday!!!
I am SOOO excited for tomorrow! I can't wait to see all of the Animoto videos you created about the biographies you read! From the few I saw when previewing them and conferencing with some of you, I believe the class will learn SO much in just ONE CLASS PERIOD!!
#1 Wear Cadet Nation Shirt or SOMETHING CADET OR BLUE!
#2 Finish P.S. Brothers!
Will Russell and Shawn get the puppy? What's going on in that garage? Will there be scary parts? Will we finish before meeting the author?!!
#3 Large Group Author Visit.....Maribeth Boelts! Yeehaw! I talked to the other teachers about their visit with her and they are SOOOOO jealous that 5th grade gets extra time. They said she was SO AMAZING!! We are so so so so so so so....and one more so...LUCKY!!
#5: Small Group Workshop with Maribeth Boelts!! Can I hear a, "Yeehaw, Baby!"? This will be such an experience!!
Ok! So as you can see, Friday is FILLED with FUN-TASTIC EVENTS! Let's be sure our work is done tonight so that we can enjoy all of the excitement tomorrow! I see that many of our Animoto projects have been produced (I get emails for everyone:). Be sure you think about what your Luther partner wanted you to work on when writing. I may even ask a few of you to SHARE some samples tomorrow IN FRONT OF THIS GUEST AUTHOR!!! So be ready!!!
I'll know you checked the blog if you go to Maribeth Boelts website again (Click Here) and learn something NEW about her! Maybe even scroll down and check out stuff towards the bottom or other books or ANYTHING! Be sure it comes from this site though;)
Add it to this TodaysMeet Link! BUT... be sure it's NOT something that someone else has already shared! Your blog proof WON'T count if you repeat something! Got it? Good! Peace Out, Homeys!!
#1 Wear Cadet Nation Shirt or SOMETHING CADET OR BLUE!
#2 Finish P.S. Brothers!
Will Russell and Shawn get the puppy? What's going on in that garage? Will there be scary parts? Will we finish before meeting the author?!!
#3 Large Group Author Visit.....Maribeth Boelts! Yeehaw! I talked to the other teachers about their visit with her and they are SOOOOO jealous that 5th grade gets extra time. They said she was SO AMAZING!! We are so so so so so so so....and one more so...LUCKY!!
#5: Small Group Workshop with Maribeth Boelts!! Can I hear a, "Yeehaw, Baby!"? This will be such an experience!!
Ok! So as you can see, Friday is FILLED with FUN-TASTIC EVENTS! Let's be sure our work is done tonight so that we can enjoy all of the excitement tomorrow! I see that many of our Animoto projects have been produced (I get emails for everyone:). Be sure you think about what your Luther partner wanted you to work on when writing. I may even ask a few of you to SHARE some samples tomorrow IN FRONT OF THIS GUEST AUTHOR!!! So be ready!!!
I'll know you checked the blog if you go to Maribeth Boelts website again (Click Here) and learn something NEW about her! Maybe even scroll down and check out stuff towards the bottom or other books or ANYTHING! Be sure it comes from this site though;)
Add it to this TodaysMeet Link! BUT... be sure it's NOT something that someone else has already shared! Your blog proof WON'T count if you repeat something! Got it? Good! Peace Out, Homeys!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Short Day of School.... Long List of Work for Home

Well, I guess you don't have too long of a list for work...but it definitely is more than normal. Be sure your Writing Journal Prompt is done. We will be sharing some from the past week tomorrow in class. Also, think about what your Luther partner and you discussed to work on as you write, ok? Also, feel free to work on Animoto. I'll share a few with you tomorrow to give suggestions to, and then you'll have work time.
Social Studies
Also, there was a pretty hefty social studies assignment from Mrs. Suckow over Lessons 3 and 4 in your social studies books. If you forgot your social studies book..... then you made a pretty big boo-boo. We are here all afternoon. Come back and grab it if you don't have it with you. Be sure to know those listed battles well with dates, places, leaders, who had the victory and what made it such a unique battle.
Remember, band is tomorrow, so we'll need to get attendance and pledge done right away. I'll know you checked the blog if you come in and ERASE ONE drawing off of the green or white wall. Come tell me WHOSE it was that you erased (be sure you look at the name of the 5D person before erasing it!). You may just get a little something special as your "thank you" for checking the blog!
Oh, and thanks for the yummy treat today to celebrate Kyleigh's birthday! Mmmm... It hit the spot, baby!
Enjoy your free afternoon:)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Amazing Way to End Your Day!!!
I can NOT compliment you ENOUGH for those of you who were in the room finishing planners while I was in the hallway chatting with a few students. Mrs. Walter said you were wonderful when she walked in! I feel bad not getting to say goodbye or making you do something goofy as you left! So, I'll get you back in the MORNING:) Actually, I'll get you back by REWARDING you for such Cadet Pride!
Do these blog proof items in this order as you come in....

1) If you were IN the room (not in the hallway with me), please grab yourself a GREEN ticket.
2) Bring me the GREEN ticket and whisper in my ear "Yep, can't hide my Cadet Pride."
3) Go stand somewhere in the room and "freeze" in a dance move until I start a game of Freeze Dance to start our day!! Stay frozen in some random dance move until I start the music!
Don't forget to do your Writing Journal Prompt! We had a few that forgot over the long weekend. Let's not let that become a habit, ok? Also, if you were wanting to work on your Animoto projects, you are welcomed to! You worked SO SERIOUSLY in class today! Great progress!
Reminder that Wednesday is an EARLY OUT!
Friday is also our special visit from Maribeth Boelts! How lucky are we?????
I can NOT compliment you ENOUGH for those of you who were in the room finishing planners while I was in the hallway chatting with a few students. Mrs. Walter said you were wonderful when she walked in! I feel bad not getting to say goodbye or making you do something goofy as you left! So, I'll get you back in the MORNING:) Actually, I'll get you back by REWARDING you for such Cadet Pride!
Do these blog proof items in this order as you come in....

1) If you were IN the room (not in the hallway with me), please grab yourself a GREEN ticket.
2) Bring me the GREEN ticket and whisper in my ear "Yep, can't hide my Cadet Pride."
3) Go stand somewhere in the room and "freeze" in a dance move until I start a game of Freeze Dance to start our day!! Stay frozen in some random dance move until I start the music!
Don't forget to do your Writing Journal Prompt! We had a few that forgot over the long weekend. Let's not let that become a habit, ok? Also, if you were wanting to work on your Animoto projects, you are welcomed to! You worked SO SERIOUSLY in class today! Great progress!
Reminder that Wednesday is an EARLY OUT!
Friday is also our special visit from Maribeth Boelts! How lucky are we?????
Monday, April 6, 2015
Missed EVERYONE! Can't wait to see you!!
I hope you all had fun and relaxing weekends! The weather was super for being outside. I'm sure we all will have stories to share about our weekends! I'll give you the blog proof FIRST tonight! As soon as you come in, go to an open spot on the green or white wall and draw out your FAVORITE part of your 4 day weekend. You can erase anything that's on the wall now. Label your drawing with your name so we can discuss it later!
The SECOND blog proof will be for you to help me out! We will be switching spots....FINALLY! It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, please go to this TodaysMeet Link to list EVERY place you have NOT sat in yet. I'm guessing your dear 5B Family (We are family...) will remember if you choose a spot you've already been at.
Ok.. Now just to quickly recap
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5B gets to chat face to face with Luther partners! We will work on our writing goals |
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5D got to meet, too! |
Do you see Cameron, Annabelle and Emily from 5B? |
Tuesday - Friday... NEED TO FINISH P.S. Brothers!
Tuesday - Friday.... Working on Animoto Biography Projects
Tuesday - Friday... Writing Biography of a Classmate
Tuesday - Friday... Writing Journals - Be sure these are done for Tuesday! 2 of the 3 prompts:)
Wednesday.... 3 Hour Early Out - ALREADY?! 1 day of school, then a 1/2 day?? Lucky ducks!
Friday.. Special Visit from Author, Maribeth Boelts! Remember, we get our very own writing workshop with her, too!
Here's a website about her life!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Get your work done for...
Social Studies - Book Creator App
Writing Journal - Docs/Paper Copy
Biography Planning Sheet - Animoto App (optional)
I'll know you checked the blog by doing a "happy dance" for a 4 day weekend for Easter! This needs to be done in the presence of some adult that can witness and sign a note backing you up! Have him/her (mom, dad, g-ma, g-pa, Mrs. Vandervort, someone else's mom/dad, etc.) write a quick note saying that saw your happy dance! Have them sign the note! Show it to me when you come in Thursday morning!
We have band and Cadet Time...then our BIG Peeps are coming from Luther to visit! Yeh!! The afternoon will be fun-filled with STEM!
Now GET OUTSIDE, will ya? Get off your device and ENJOY!!!
Social Studies - Book Creator App
Writing Journal - Docs/Paper Copy
Biography Planning Sheet - Animoto App (optional)
I'll know you checked the blog by doing a "happy dance" for a 4 day weekend for Easter! This needs to be done in the presence of some adult that can witness and sign a note backing you up! Have him/her (mom, dad, g-ma, g-pa, Mrs. Vandervort, someone else's mom/dad, etc.) write a quick note saying that saw your happy dance! Have them sign the note! Show it to me when you come in Thursday morning!
We have band and Cadet Time...then our BIG Peeps are coming from Luther to visit! Yeh!! The afternoon will be fun-filled with STEM!
Now GET OUTSIDE, will ya? Get off your device and ENJOY!!!
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