
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What Goes Up, Must Come Down...

Well, 5B...
I saw and heard amazing work and respect from each of you today!!! The most excellent time was during our writing activity that shows artists are writers, too! Fabulous!! My smile was from ear to ear with pride for our class!!!

But like our other days, we have some behaviors that are continuing to show DISrespect. We will continue to work on it, but as you saw today, I'm going to get stricter and expect the correct behaviors the first time, without reminders.

Please share with your families the struggle we're having. Ask them if they have any ideas to help us out! That will be the way I know you checked the blog. Have a list of ideas from YOU and (if possible) YOUR FAMILY. Have it out when I check planners tomorrow.

Also, remember our goal of ALL 23 planners signed for tomorrow!! I'll keep my promise of blue cadet slips AND I will even bring an EXTRA treat in case I feel like celebrating even more!!

Take care Babycakes!
Tomorrow is FRIDAY


  1. WAZ-up i GOT MY math homework done!YAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  2. I want to be clear Taylor H. (thats me!) is huskyjr. I got a purple panda! how cool! its a webkinz by the way!please people get your planner signed!



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