
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2nd Quarter Proves to Be Just as Great as the 1st...

The days just seem to go by so quickly, 5B. I'm afraid if I don't stop and think about our days together, it will be Christmas break before we know it! Yikes!

I forgot to share the "Nuttin' But Cadet Pride" cards with you at the end of the day today. I'm so proud of 5B for noticing the great behaviors from their classmates! That's so mature of you to see the good in others without taking any credit for yourself! That's why you my little angels (ding! ahhhhhh)

Don't forget to wear red or purple tomorrow AND if you can, we would love to show how much you care about people outside of our classroom by bringing in 1 canned item or 1 boxed item to donate.

Tomorrow also is REPORT CARD DAY! Yippee! I bet you just can't wait to see them! They will be sitting at your table/desk tomorrow as you come in on Thursday. So go ahead and look through all the pages, but I'll chat with you about it, too after attendance and pledge!

Have a great night! See you jueves (what Spanish word is this?)!
~Mrs. Sorenson


  1. Hey Mrs.Sorenson i was wondering if we can bring more than one canned food item????????

    peace out Payton

  2. hey Mrs.Sorensin i am scared of those stories but they are ok to me. have a good night brooklyn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. hey mrs.sorensin its my mom's b-day today


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