
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hopefully You Know What TODAY IS......

Whether you have already celebrated or wished your mom, stepmom, aunt, grandma, good friend, older sister, etc., here's a little poem you could share with someone you think is a great mom or cares just as a mom does!
I hope you enjoyed the sun this weekend.  I wish the temperature would increase a bit.  Oh, well, at least we don't have SNOW on the ground:)  I got to go to a hotel with a water park!  So much fun!  Isaiah is going to be a fish when we grows up.  (At least that's what he told me this weekend)

This week should be somewhat normal.  We are getting back into literacy with our last unit:  The Kingdom of Green.  Our first day of switching for guided reading seemed to go quite well.  I'm glad it was a nice change for everyone.  We have some upcoming work and events to think about, so please check carefully below and mark your planners or calendars:

1)  Sharing the rest of our Fictional ("gasp", it's fake!) Pieces and Cute Cut Movie Trailers!!  Bring a snack for BOTH of these classes - yes, that means 2 snacks:)

1)  Last Coffee Talk for City of Ember - and moving into the next book:)  Be responsible.  We've had a lot of incomplete reading lately.

1)  FIRST WICKED READERS of THE YEAR!!  RACHEL and DONAVYN perform for us!!! Can't wait to see how they make reading come ALIVE!
2)  Coffee Talk for Spy Cat. Be Responsible - read before the night before so you don't forget (hint, hint for a few of you...)

1)  2nd Set of WICKED READERS!! ERIKA and SHANE!!  Whoo- hoo!!  Wow us!
2)  Last Coffee Talk for Found!  Wonder if they'll want to move onto the next book??  I do!  
3)  Final PUBERTY Test!  This will be part of your science grade for the 4th quarter!  Know your information:)

Friday:  Special Activity!!
1)  6th Grade Orientation with all 5th graders in Cresco, Lime Springs and Elma.  You'll learn about the junior high, iPad use/rules, switching, new schedule, etc.  You'll be all mixed up with other grades so you can get to know people better before our big field trip to St. Paul.  
2)  After the orientation we'll have a TECH FESTIVAL!  This will be a chance to learn and show all the different tech ideas, links, websites, apps, etc. that you've enjoyed this year with others.  Maybe you can check them out for this summer to mess around with:)
3) Finally, you'll end with a school-packed picnic lunch outside with your future 6th grade classmates! What a fun way to meet people!?

I'll know you checked the blog when you come in if...
tell me ONE amazing thing about your mom - be personal - not just "she's nice".  I want more than that!  

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