
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wacky But Hard-Working Wednesday!

Hey, my 5B Babies... (mama, mama)...
I surely do hope that you got OUTSIDE this afternoon or evening!  I heard it was wonderful...not that I'd know being stuck indoors all afternoon.  However, I am happy to share with you that your IA Assessment scores came back and I have your goal sheets at your spots (I think I put them in the right spot...I can't remember where everyone moved to..sorry).  You guys made goals for yourselves on this set of tests just like for MAPs testing, but it was to meet a certain Grade Equivalent.  I'm excited for you to see how you did, if improved from last year, met your goal or even SURPASSED (means went above!) your goal!  And I know for a fact that some of you DID!  Yippee!  We have all sorts of celebration of growth, don't we!

Remember tomorrow's field trip to the Nature Center - long pants, close-toed shoes and a water bottle if you wish.  Be sure to think about wearing layers of clothes for too warm or too cold, ok?!  Also, I'll go over with you the different stations we'll be learning about for our visit!  Paetyn and Rodney, remember you plan to bring your own lunches:)  Everyone else, we'll take school sack lunches.

I was quite impressed at looking through your character faces from art class.  Since we don't have class time for art on Thursday due to our field trip, Mrs. Branum has offered for anyone who is "free" during Cadet Time, to go to the art room and continue adding details, color, finishing touches on their character's faces.  Painting seems to be much like writing.... you never are "done"... there's always room for change, improvement, etc. (Sorry Coffee Talk people...not an option for you:(

***Your character will be SHOWCASED and SHARED at our Poetry Slam on Friday with our families.  Share something you are truly PROUD of!

So... proof for checking the blog will be to give advice to 3 people for their paintings.  The pictures below are numbered #1, #2, and #3.  Go the TodaysMeet link to give respectful and helpful advice for these people on what they could do to add or change anything to their character's face.  Address the picture (or pictures) as #1 or #2 or #3.

See my examples on this TodaysMeet Link!  (Sorry the pics are sideways...just crank your head a bit!)

#1:  What suggestions do you have?

#2:  What suggestions do you have?

#3:  What suggestions to you have?

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