
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Another Team Wins for our Cadet Pride Team Competition!

Congrats to the Cadet Wolves!

It was great to see everyone excited for a new team to win.... (even though secretly, deep down, everybody wants their own teams to conquer!)  Obviously, Cameron was quite excited even BEFORE he new his team won by throwing his white board! :)  It's clear to see that EVERY student has shown strong Cadet Pride by each of the teams winning once so far!  So proud of everyone!

Other Announcements?  
Hmm... Here's one!  The BIG BLAST has been rescheduled!  Yippee!
It is NOW set for Thursday, January 8!  When we come back after the nice, long break, we'll have a little something to look forward to that first week back!  If ANY of your families have an interest in helping for this NEW date, that would be great to know.  I'll send another note home with you all tomorrow for Thursday, January 8:)  Let's see if we can ALL get this back quickly???

Cadet Cart for Christmas Items...
I haven't heard back from Mrs. McCabe yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I do for the day this week.  Keep track of those Cadet Dollars and green tickets!

Finally...Blog Proof!  Tyler and I chatted as he was walking out today!  For 5B's talent, let's come up with 20 NEW Dances to Do at Home like in the video we've watched!  Think about how simple or silly the 20 examples we've seen in the video we saw.  Since we have 19 kids now (miss you, Casandra) and 1 teacher, we can make an updated "20 New Dance Moves to Do at Home."  Share your ideas on this TodaysMeet link.  You can't have the same idea as somebody else.  Write down your "Move" and then explain what we'll have to do for the dance.  We can share these and practice tomorrow a bit.  Be sure to look at the ones above yours do you don't duplicate one.  Be creative:)  Of course, they need to be appropriate moves/names for school!  I think this will DEFINITELY show 5B's creativity and talents!  Think of how random the ones on the video were!  It doesn't have to take a lot of deep thinking:)  
Here's the link to the one we watched today!  Click Here if you want to watch it again:)

Happy Tuesday evening!  Great effort all week, 5B!  You're holding in your excitement for break VERY WELL!

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