
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Missed You and Lt. Governor Reynolds!

So, how did the day go?  I wish I was there for more than the testing part of the day!  Did you like the STEM activities in Mrs. Suckow's and Mrs. Wilson's rooms?  I'm SOOO PUMPED to see/hear about your plans for the egg drop experiment!  Be sure you are looking for materials your group discussed and be responsible to get them back to school!  This will be SO much fun and a LOT of problem solving and deep thinking!

Also, how was the visit from Lt. Governor Reynolds?  How did it go?  Did she stay long?  What did she do?  What did you guys show her or talk about?  I'm bummed I missed it! If any of you had cards for her, I hope you were able to give them to her!  

Tomorrow will be almost as crazy of a day as today!  We'll start the day discussing more about Chris Norton, and I'll read a section from his book.  We need to be over at the high school for his presentation before 9:00 a.m.!  After his presentation, we get to have him join our 5th grade wing for a short face to face visit.  Be thinking about questions, comments or anything else you may want to  bring up to him while he's here!  

1)  Chris Norton tomorrow!  (Cards/poems/etc. to bring)
2)  Field Trip Thursday - Science Museum and The Works in Minneapolis area - leaving 6:30 a.m.!  Yikes!
3)  Tell parents about D.A.R.E. Graduation on Thursday,  May 12 (next Thursday) at 7:00 p.m. in the elementary gym.
**Remind me to ask you about another parent volunteer opportunity coming up next week!

OH!  And you know that list of events for MAY I sent home with you...? Remember how Monday, May 9 was the ONLY day that didn't have something planned?  Well, that's no longer the CASE!  With the amazing growth with all of the testing for MAPs, FAST and Iowa Assessments (we just got those back yesterday), the teachers and principal have decided to take all 3rd - 6th graders to the Cresco Movie Theater to watch a movie on Monday!  Talk about LUCKY DUCKS!  

 Blog Proof will be to add to the TodaysMeet Link (Click Here) about the favorite part of the day!  I'm curious what each of you will say!

Rest up for another day of excitement, connecting with the outside world and learning! Missed you guys today!  Hope you showed Mrs. Walter and Mrs. Fravel the side of 5B that I'm so sad to say goodbye to...  :(

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