
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Hey, 5B,
I hope everyone had a great weekend with AMAZING weather!! I spent Saturday at Pinter's with Jason and Isaiah and had a blast!  Isaiah was pooped by the end of his visit there!  I was too after pedaling those big kid bikes!  Wouldn't THAT be an awesome trip to take as a class?  See what you can do to talk our principal into that, will ya? :)

I sure hope you chatted with your families about how things went on Thursday and Friday of last week.  I actually enjoyed seeing you guys all day long, but I think many of you missed being able to switch classes like typical 5th graders.  I don't blame you.  The teachers chatted at the end of the day on Friday and decided to give 5th grade another chance to prove themselves.  However, Mr. Sickles and Mrs. Sovereign have supported our class decision to remove any students who can not show Cadet Pride in any of these following ways:
*Not following teacher directions
*Not listening when it is instructional time
*Not getting homework done (remember, you have math, social studies AND the Class Dojo sheet to return for Monday)
*Disrupting other students' learning in any way

I'm guessing we'll have a MUSCLE Monday!  That' s kind of our "thing", isn't it? Also, don't forget to WEAR BLUE ON MONDAY!!!!!  We will try to prove as a school we will NOT let anyone be bullied at Crestwood Elementary, Junior HIgh or High School.  We'll be doing all sorts of activities throughout the day in literacy, math, science and social studies to think about how bullying can affect anyone, anywhere, any age, any time, anyhow!  So, get ready to STOMP OUT BULLYING!!!  

A couple of reminders/Heads Up about the Week...
Monday:  Homework due - Math pg 34 - all, Social Studies 50 states map, Class Dojo sheet, Some Band Lessons
Tuesday:  Guest Speaker coming!
Wednesday - ???
Thursday - ???
Friday - ChipShoppe Fundraiser Kick-OFF!!  Putting money in our school's piggy bank for field trips!  Yippee!

I'll know you checked the blog if you make up a rhyme to help prevent bullying.
Here's my example:
When bullying ends...
We have more friends:)

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