
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Not Too Bad of a Tuesday...

But.... Mondays are still SOOOOOO much better:)  So, that can just be our goal for the first quarter...  Make every day a day FILLED with Cadet Pride!  We have such amazing moments in class....and then.... well, I'm not sure what happens???  So... we'll just keep at it!

My meeting after school about the World Record for People Dressed as Pilgrims went well.  We found out that we are just at the very beginning stages of it and need to go through some guidelines first.  One thing I do know now is that we wouldn't be doing the actual gathering until January.  Apparently there is A LOT to know, do, plan for, advertise, organize, etc. before doing such an event!  See, teachers learn everyday, too!

I hope group band went well for my little instrument players!  We missed you while you were gone.  We even cleaned up the room perfectly for tomorrow.  So, thank the non-band people for the help when you see them.  Great job, guys (and 1 girl:)

Remind your families about the early out tomorrow.  Also, we have practice for bus evacuation RIGHT away in the morning, so come in quickly so we can get to that.  Last year's 5B class beat a record for how fast high schoolers got on and off the busses.  I wonder if this year's 5B can do it???  We'll see!

Also, tomorrow is library, so remember any books/movies if you have them at home.

Lastly, I'll know you checked the blog if you click on this link to see an example of AMAZING students who work hard (like you), work together (like you most of the time) and are determine to be the best at what they do (like some of our 5B students all of the time, and some of our 5B students some of time).  Click on ME!  I think you'll be astonished by these students who are the same age as YOU!  Write down ONE word that you think after watching it!

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