More gloomy, cloudy, dreary days, huh?! I'm ready for some sun! How about you? Well, we'll have to make our own "sunshine" with our goofy personalities, awesome attitudes and responsible behaviors, right?!
I hope you had some enjoyment this weekend. You tested like crazy last week, and we have just a bit more this week. Everyone has Math MAP's on Monday, and that means another chance to earn a delightful treat:) with some extra recess for the class! We are already WAY UP THERE with extra minutes! I think the Language test was a bit tougher for people on Friday because it was in the afternoon, it was Friday and it was "another test", but keep a positive attitude! The Math MAP's will be during our normal math time in the afternoon again, but it will be in our own homerooms for testing. Also, remember you are welcome to bring your own snack if you like.
Big Reminders for the Week...Hmmm....(READ WHOLE LIST)
*SCIENCE HOMEWORK - for 5 students who were NOT done on Friday after a week of work time...Remember... Grumpy Sorenson's in the HOUSE if you don't have your work done.
*Some people had math homework from different teachers
*Memorizing/writing poems for Poetry Slam - put on calendars for parents - Friday, May 9 from 2:30 - 3:15:) Can't wait!!
*Reading for Camp Read S'More! Keep bringing in your pages signed!
*Book Club Reading - Coffee Talks this week! Bring coffee cups this week for your assigned day. Be ready to share, drink some "coffee" and show your enjoyment for reading! Remember, if your family is donating juice, we'll take it anytime:)
*Field Trip permission slip for St. Paul, MN
*Band on Thursday again - 2 days to remember your instruments!

*PUBERTY starts on FRDAY of this week! Woo-hoo! Yeah, Baby! What a way to end the week, huh?!
Hopefully, we won't have any screwy schedules on Monday to start off the day. From the weather forecast though, it looks to be a long, rainy week:( Ugh... Plan on being indoors a lot, I'm guessing... Oh, and another bummer - we have no Tech Class on Monday:( However, it started putting the eBook Video Challenge together, and although everyone did a super job (maybe minus one grumpy student... yes, you know who you are:), our rhythm was too fast. It didn't stay with the music. So, we'll do some re-recording on Monday. I have an idea on how to keep everyone on beat though, so hopefully we can get it done in just one class period, ok? I'll let you see the first draft though before we start!

Alrighty then, let's see... I'll know you took time to check the blog and prove it to me by....hmmmm...what should I have you do this time? Oh, I know.... as soon as you come in the classroom, grab your iPad and earbuds. Find a groovy song you LOVE to move to and jam a bit to that song until I see/hear what song it is. Don't tell anyone to do this. I enjoy seeing how responsible or IRrespsonsible 5B students are for blog checking! Show me your moves, Baby! Oh, if you don't have working earbuds, then just have your music on loud enough for you to hear but not so loud it takes over the room:)