
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Great Day in 5B!

Another super usual for 5B!  I'm always so impressed how well 5B can pull it together....

I'll keep it short tonight... Here's a quick poem for you.

No need to scratch your noggin'...
'Cuz I'm almost done bloggin'...  

I'm expecting 100% amazing 5B behaviors with the sub tomorrow morning.  Mrs. Bodermann knows how fantastic you can be everyday as well, so she'll be able to let me know what you showed your best.

I'll know you have checked the blog by doing 2 things....
1)  Check out the new section on the right top of the blog that is called "5B Talents" or something. Then give Jasmine's link a-listen:)
2)  Write down one compliment about her song, poem, style, courage, etc. that let's her know that it's ok to try something new, be yourself and always have confidence in yourself!  (Like we all need to remember:)

Have a great start to your day tomorrow morning.... Mama Sorenson/Officer Sorenson will be anxious to see how fabulous things went:)

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