
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, April 28, 2014

Magnificent MAP's Growth for 5B!

5B should be so proud!!  I've seen a wonderful amount of growth in scores from reading, language AND math over the past several days.  We have an average of 5-8 points of growth for each test, but I have to share some crazy, amazing scores of growth!  We have a few students that have shown up to 12 and 15 points, then up to 17 and 19, and EVEN 21 points of growth from the fall to spring!

But here's one that has beaten them all!  Everyone should be proud to have a classmate from 5B show 27 points of growth!

So, as you can see, 5B has definitely shown what it means to concentrate, take in new information, remember and it prove it to the world (or at least us!) their amazing learning!   Our recess and ice cream scoop rewards will start after everyone has completed their MAP's that means.... We sure hope to see Rodney back after his trip to Florida!!

Great work, everyone!  Truly proud of each and every one of you! Tomorrow should be a "back to normal" schedule with regular classes and math in the afternoon.

Don't forget...
Don't forget your coffee mug and if your family is donating
some juice for our talks:)

Start on Tuesday (tomorrow) for the Biggest Klutz.  Let's see if this first group shows some deep thinking, amazing conversations and role model behaviors for the rest of the groups to follow!

I've sent your families an email about the Poetry SLAM for Friday, May 9 from 2:30 - 3:15!  I'm really excited about this!

I'll know you checked the blog if you do a little preview reading for me about a topic we'll touch on from now until the end of the year.... the Civil War....  Go to this website link about interesting and strange facts about the Civil War.  Read through the list.  On the TodaysMeet link (click here), share which one you thought was most interesting or strange!  There are some PRETTY weird ones, that's for sure!  Happy dreary night:(

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