
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Words Have Power....

5B, you did an excellent job sharing seriously about your thoughts, feelings and reactions to the events that happened 13 years ago on this day.  Your maturity and sophisticated (huh-rub rub) comments about moving forward, the power of how words can build you up or tear you down show how amazing you are!  Share with your families the videos and links and the pictures of activities we did today in literacy class.  They are from both 5B and 5D's classes.

Guidance - Teamwork Activity from Wednesday

I know it's a BUMMER about your field trip tomorrow... :(  As you guys saw today through the terrible events of September 11, life could be a LOT worse than a cancelled field trip, right?  So, I'll know you checked the blog if you can up with a positive outlook about being in school on Friday!  This may be tough since field trips certainly are exciting and a different way to learn!  But do your best to have a true, thoughtful positive side to being in school instead of in Nashua!  

It still is FRIDAY tomorrow!  That's mine!  You can't steal that one:)

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