
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pride Knights - First Week's Champions

Congratulations to the Pride Knights!  Hopefully your Magic Pencils have not run out of magic yet!

Over 1,000 points!  Way to go!

I'm so impressed with ALL teams the lowest scores were in the 800's!?!!!  That's some amazing Cadet Pride that you can't hide!  I loved seeing your excitement as you totaled up the points!

It was a great way to start the day!  Then, don't forget to tell you families about our Skype with Mr. Carver from Washington, D.C.!  How lucky are we?!

Be sure to study for your social studies test tonight.  This will be a big part of your social studies grade so far.  Show all of your knowledge about the Native American's history and homes.  

Tomorrow should be a pretty "normal" day.  So get your team "game faces on" to see who NEXT week's champions will be!  Let's celebrate the Pride Knights, but show them that they've got some friendly competition to worry about:)

With the weather being so stinkin' cold lately, I was excited to see everyone at recess time socializing, smiling, hanging out with each other and guess what?  No one was using electronic devices!  Wow!  Board games, Jenga, Apples to Apples, Styrofoam cups, etc. all made from an enjoyable recess time. So...  If you have a fun game at home that your family doesn't mind lending for a day or two while we are stuck indoors (not sure what it's supposed to be like), bring them in and we'll have some extra options for socializing at recess (IF we are indoors).  Thanks (but be sure to ask first).

Here's blog proof tonight...  To show what respectful and mature students we have in our 5B Family (We are family), I'd like you to give an original compliment to the Pride Knights Team on their win on this TodaysMeet Link.  Click Here:)  Your compliment can NOT be the same as someone else's above yours, so be sure you are thinking of special just for them.  IF you are ON the Pride Knights Team, then your job is to add a compliment or a positive comment to the other 3 teams, wishing them well for this week's competition!  This is truly a test of Cadet Pride - finding the good in others!  

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