LOVED the learning today! Here are some of the facts you told me as you left today...
*Drones are male honeybees
*A Queen honeybee kills any other Queen bees when hatching
*Queen bee mates with many drones
*The Winter Solstice is the beginning of Winter
*If bees come from different colonies, the worker bees will kill the new queen until the scent is more familiar
Woodland and Plants...
*You can eat wild violets
*Bloodroot was used by Native Americans to make dye
*You have to know, that you know, that you know
*Tallows are candles
*The Japanese beetle is NOT the same as the Asian beetle
*Emerald Ash Borer larvae are bad for our trees in Iowa (US)
*The Queen termite is the most disgusting looking creature alive.... (my opinion)
*Dragonflies eat mosquitoes and are one of the last living creatures that lived BEFORE the dinosaurs
Bird Identification...
*You can identify birds by their song
*You can identify birds by their coloring
*You can identify birds by the shape of their head
*If you're going to buy binoculars, the 7 x 35 is the best to get
What a great day of learning! At least we got to enjoy the awesome weather and have an outdoor picnic!
Ok, for tomorrow... BIG REMINDERS!!!!
1) The Hot Pink Note for Iowa Assessment Celebrations!!! That needs to be in TOMORROW!!! If your parents can come or not, it should be returned. If they can come, please bring the money with it. An older sibling CAN come as long as they are out of high school.
2) LIBRARY BOOKS - These are people who need the books returned by MONDAY...
Alaina - True
Josh - Squish, Super Amoeba
Ethan - 1) The Ruins of Gorlan 2) The Burning Bridge
Jordan - 1) Bomb: The Race to Build and Steal... 2) Prisoner B 3) Who Won the War?
Dylan - Divergent
Tyler - 1) Kidnapped 2) Storm Runners
Lyli - Runaway
Cameron - 1) Rachel Spinelli Punched Me in the Face 2) Saving Zasha
Tim - The Rise of Nine
3) Carter, Brady and Cameron... Please crop those photos and email them to me tonight. I need them before tomorrow please:)
Ok.. now for blog proof.. Draw a picture or write down something you know about being safe on bikes. We know "wear a helmet", so you CAN'T use that one:( Sorry. Is there anything else that you can think of that would make riding a bike safe or safer? Be sure your name is on it, and set it IN THE WHITE BASKET on my table as you come in. I'll be working with students right away remember, so just come in and see what the Smartboard says to do:)
Ok.. tah-tah- for now:)