
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, January 25, 2016

Another 3 Day Weekend For You...

How did you spend it?  We'll have to find out from Ashton what the Battle of the Barn was really like since we were all so curious about it last Friday.  I know some of you had fun at the ice rink!  I saw Brian, Landen, and Elyse there one day.  I'm guessing there were some wrestling tournaments somewhere this weekend.  Also, the group of basketball girls were headed to Waterloo!  I hope that went well!  And I'm sure many of you had all sorts of other events and activities that kept you busy!

And I'm NOT trying to get your hopes up, but I'm curious if I'll see you on time tomorrow morning with this new, fresh, and slippery snow!  HOPEFULLY, we'll get a chance to have a NORMAL day, but if not, I guess I'll wish you get some extra sleep IF there's a 2-hour late start.

What's up for this week?
More FAST Testing - the Fluency part will happen TUESDAY.  So that means you can bring a SNACK and a DRINK if you want to for the afternoon activity!  You know what that is, right?!

Book Club Reading - Be sure you are keeping up with your assigned pages.  Everest Book Club, we will meet on Tuesday during ST Math time so we can touch base about your book.

Miss Cooper's Last Week - January has flown by, and Miss Cooper's last day is on Wednesday (as well as any other teachers in music and band).  We're lucky to share our learning with them!  Be sure to thank them for their time here at Crestwood and wish them well!

Fantastic 5 - You guys get a special activity on WEDNESDAY of this week!  Get ready to meet some virtual pen pals!

Blog Proof!  I'm curious how you spent your weekends! So, go to this TodaysMeet Link, and share the BEST or WORST or MOST EVENTFUL part of your weekends!  If nothing exciting happened, then just share one thing you did!  Your 5B Family (we are family) likes to know and cares about you!

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