
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Missed You....

5B, I can not WAIT to hear about your vacations, family time, and holiday stories!  There's always so much to catch up on after a break like this!  I really did miss seeing my 5B Babies (mama, mama) for such a long time.  Don't get me wrong.... I LOVE time home with my family and all of my holiday traditions and activities, but I thought of you all so much and hoped you had a happy and relaxing break!  Let's take it EASY tomorrow (and this week) to adjust to SCHOOL MODE!  I know I'm going to struggle with it, too!  

Things to LOOK forward to this week...
1)  Working on COMMERCIALS for our Products!  STEP 6 - Here it comes!  This will be AWESOME!

2)  Mrs. Suckow has a student from Luther College that will be learning about 5th graders during the month of January.  Let's show her what 5B (and our classes) are all about!

3)  You have P.E. on Monday!  

4)  We also MIGHT get to meet up with our Kindergarten buddies again already!  That is not a for sure, but it's being discussed!  

5)  The most important one.... SEEING OUR 5B FAMILY AGAIN... Awwww...  

I'm not sure how many will check the blog tonight, so this will be a pretty special blog proof!  I'll know you took the time to check the blog IF you come in on Monday morning and (WHISPER!!!!!!! in my ear how tired you are on a scale from 1 - 10...   See below!  Choose any NUMBER you think you are for our first Monday back after break!

1 = I'm great!  Not tired at all! Raring to go!  Bring it up, baby!
5 = I'm fine.  I'm a bit tired but I'll be ok all day long.
10 = I don't know if I'll make it through the day.   I'm so exhausted and forgot how to function....

See you all soon!  Excited to see you!  But right now, I feel like an 8!  Maybe some rest tonight will change that!

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