
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Move Over Socrates (Ancient Greek Philosopher), Here Comes 5B and 5D!

Wow!  Today's Socratic Seminars were SO amazing!  I just can't brag enough about how mature and adult-like the discussers were today in their meeting of the minds!  The serious topics, the personal stories and the depth of thinking was so shocking!

This was such a great model for future discussions.  I know in 5D, the evaluators noticed how often (or not enough) the participants spoke.  It was super.  In 5B, the evaluators said interrupting seemed to be a big area of concern, but it was because everyone in the group seemed to be so on the topic and was so eager to respond!  How amazing!  Here are some great pics of 5th grade's first EVER "Socratic Seminars"!  A definite repeat will happen!

Audience members also did a fabulous job of paying attention and watching how deep the discussion could get!  You're up next, kiddos!!
5B is asked by Lyli, "Would you tell on a bully if they threatened you to NOT
tell the teacher?  What if you are a really shy person?"
That led to a great conversation.  

Colten shares a response to the question given by saying, "I think the
stronger people are the ones being bullied, and the weaker people are the
bullies."  Great insight!

Another awesome event for our day was when we got to see our classmate waving at us from a webcam in Algoma, WI while his family was salmon fishing!  We texted his family and then saw a MASSIVE fish he caught soon after the webcam wave!  See, 5B Family sticks together EVEN when we are not in class!  The only time we DON'T want to hear/see from you is if you are eating cactus bread at Pizza Ranch!  (Right, Cam?!  Thanks for making me jealous!)

If you look below the tree near the bench, you can see
Noah in Wisconsin!  

Ok... Tomorrow wraps up our homecoming week of dress up days!  Today was great with spirit wearing tropical attire!  There were TWO students that really topped it off for me today!

The 5B Spirit Award Winners are:

Flowery clothes from head to toes!

Looked like she just got off a plane from some tropical island!  

And from yesterday's Favorite Sport/Team Day....

Smothered in Blue/Cadet Gear 

Quick Reminders!
ALL STUDENTS eat SCHOOL PACKED LUNCHES TOMORROW!  Because of the short day, pep rally and goofy schedules, this is the ONLY option!  Thanks for reminding to talk to the class, Kyleigh!  What would I do without my amazing students?

Also, wear your BEST CADET PRIDE tomorrow!  I can't wait to see what 5B does to show respectful, fun and enthusiastic SCHOOL SPIRIT!  Remember, anything that becomes distracting though, will need to be removed or washed off, so be smart about what you choose to wear:)

I'll know you checked the blog if you come in and ask me for the words to our school song.  Start reading them to be ready to sing as a class!  If you know all of the words, great!  I'll expect you to LEAD the class!!!  (Don't worry, I've got the music for it, too!)  

Nighty night, ya'll!

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