
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Short But Sweet, Can't Be Beat!

Meetings after school = VERY SHORT BLOG!

Tomorrow will be WAY busy...another day of barely seeing you.  We start the day with a Bus Evacuation Drill.  This is a TRUE test of serious, responsible students who are being challenged with a real scenario of danger.  I'd love to brag about how quickly, quietly and respectfully you listened to the bus driver who is giving instructions.

Let's make the best day EVER with Cadet Pride from your "walk in the door" to your "walk out at dismissal" time! 

Okey, dokey, artichokeys?

Oh, here's what you do to prove you checked the blog.
Visit this link and tell me what the picture is.  Click Here

If for some reason you don't recognize it, look in the address bar for a word that should spark your memory.  You could also ask someone near you (an adult or if at school, Mrs. Vandervort).

Remember to tell your families about the Book-It Kick Off on Halloween from 2:40 - 3:10!  The more the merrier!

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