
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kinda Normal Week Coming Up?? Not Really...

Hey, 5B,
I hope you all enjoyed an AMAZINGLY gorgeous weathered weekend!  Yesterday was soooo great! My family got out our bikes, took walks, played basketball, went for a run, and did some yard work! No wonder I was so tired last night!  It's been a long time since I've been outside for so long!  Now, unfortunately I've seen weather forecasts that call for temperatures ONLY in the 40's this week.  That means...

40 degrees is only a bit above FREEZING (32 degrees F), so please use those amazing 5th grade brains and logical thinking.  Remember, you are role models for the rest of the elementary.  Ok?

Our goofiness this week will mostly be on Wednesday and Friday!
Monday:  Any Iowa Assessment Make-Up Tests:)
Tuesday:  St. Patrick's Day:)
Wednesday:  Opera of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff
Thursday:  Band Concert Rehearsal, 3rd Qt. Report Cards Go Home, Band Concert at Night
Friday:  Kindergarteners Reading to Us, BIG BLAST & Popcorn (Plus Limo Rides for a few!)

So.. not very normal, as you can see!

I think our Cadet Pride tickets and celebrations have inspired 5D to take on the same challenge!  They'll be starting the same system as us on Monday!  I wonder if we should have a little competition...????  We'll see...

Now that we've met TWO major goals for 5B's Cadet Pride, I'm wondering what we should do NEXT?  Your new ideas for goal totals all made sense last Friday, but I've decided to go with 8,000 this time.  I'll need YOUR help deciding what our next CELEBRATION is!  So.. Let's do another TodaysMeet to share some brainstorms. You all had super ideas!  Let's see if you want the same ones or some new ones come up!!

I'll know you checked the blog if you go to that TodaysMeet to share an idea!  Happy Sunday!  Excited to see you Monday!!

Oh, and just for a little fun (if you have time), I found this FUN and CRAZY optical illusion video to enjoy!  Click Here!

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