
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, August 27, 2009

In School a Full Week!

We have officially made it through an entire week of school!! 5B students are getting the hang of switching classes. It takes us a little while to get all of our materials ready and lined up, but it's coming. We'll get it figured out.

In literacy class we've been talking about how to P.I.C.K. (Purpose, Interest, Comprehend, Know most the words) good fit books for ourselves. The kids have been bringing in "book bins" to hold good fit books (or magazines, newspapers, brochures, etc.) from anywhere they find them (my room, Mrs. Halverson's room, Mrs. Kuhn's room, home, library, public library, former teachers' rooms, etc.). It was great to see so many students excited about the books they are choosing. Some students find this task harder than others, but I look forward to helping students find books that are interesting to them and chosen for a specific purpose.

I've been reading the parent homework, In a Million Words or Less, and I am learning so many helpful and fun things about each 5B student. It sounds like I have a bunch of caring, sensitive, helpful, fun, hard-working students. Thank you so much for your honesty and thoughts about what will make your child feel comfortable and have a successful year! I'll do what I can to make it possible!

If there's ever anything you want to chat about, please get ahold of me using my email, calling, sending a note or even stopping in sometime! Remember, all of my contact information is on the magnet. Thanks!

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