
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Great in Class....Not Always Outside of It....

Happy Thursday...Again, I must say students from 5B have been "wow"ing me in the classroom and in our homeroom behaviors. Unfortunately, I haven't heard the same reviews from other parts of their day. There was major talking happening in math today with Mrs. Kuhn, some issues at recess with playing fairly during football and some hurtful comments about students having "germs." 5B and I had a discussion about this at the end of the day. I know how respectful and caring 5B can be because I see it in literacy and homeroom time, especially the last few days. So, it's disppointing that students aren't being their best all day long. Now, of course, the situations mentioned probably do not involve every 5B student, but as a whole, we need to think of how we want to be treated before we say or do something, right???

Today was NOT a terrible day. It just seems like we're taking a few steps backwards with our behaviors. I know this will happen from time to time, and we'll move on and work on these areas. I just know this group of students is capable of being fabulous. So, like President Obama said, most important of all, "Don't let yourself down."

Your proof of reading the blog tonight is to ask your parents how to sing the song "Respect" by Aretha Franklin. Then I'd like to hear a short rendition of it in the morning!!! Thanks for all your work and effort towards being the best students you can be!

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