
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Almost a Full Week?!!

Can you believe tomorrow will be a FULL WEEK of SCHOOL?  It seems like it has gone by so quickly!  Our laughing, learning and listening seem to be keeping us busy, huh?  I'll have a little something on your desk as you come in Thursday morning.  It's a way to say, "Thanks for working on your Cadet pride and making it through a week of 5th grade!"

Be sure to share some of the fun websites or activities from the blog with your families.  I'm sure it would be fun to see who is faster at the sheep game - kids or parents?!  Let me know if your family has a little competition, ok?

Today was a DEFINITE improvement from yesterday's chatting!  Excellent job!  But.....  it sounds like we still need some reminders and work when in science class, right?  So, we invented Tough Tuesdays.....  Wonderful or WOW Wednesdays.....  What will Thursday's be?  That's why I love being a teacher!  I never know what I'm gonna get each day:}

I'll know you checked the blog if you come up with a word that we can put in front of Thursday that shows we'll have a super day!  Be creative and have some fun with it, even ask your parents if they have ideas:)  Write down your idea, make sure your name is on it, and hand it to me as you come in Thursday morning. 

Have a great, HOT evening.  Oh, and tomorrow is supposed to be like 98 degrees!  So be sure to be dressed for outdoor recess but cold classrooms.  Weird, huh?

Chat soon,
Mrs. Sorenson

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