
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's Been a While...

Wow, I can't believe the week flew by so quickly. My family was quite busy last week each night, and I'm sure other families have all sorts of activities pulling them in different directions. Hopefully, my post won't be too late for kids to check tonight.

First of all, I wanted to thank all of the families who could stop in on Friday to read with the kids. Obviously as a literacy teacher, this is an area I hope to instill in my students. It was great to see parents and kids reading together and doing it in a relaxed setting. Of course, the food probably helped, too! So, I just wanted families to know how much I appreciate the support in viewing reading as an important part of every student's day. Keep it up!!

Well, I thought with MISIC testing and foggy weather over, the kids would get back into a pretty normal schedule. WRONG!! This upcoming week has 3 goofy days in it. Monday and Tuesday are okay, but don't forget to participate in the homecoming dress-up days. A pink letter came home on Friday, but here's a reminder: Monday - Favorite Sport/College Team Jersey Day (any sports clothing you like is just fine!), Tuesday - Pink Day to support fight vs. cancer, Wednesday - Hat Day, Thursday - Athletic Clothes Day (for Fall Fitness Day), and Friday - Blue/White Day (support Cadets!).

Like I said, Monday and Tuesday will be okay, but on Wednesday there's an assembly for character education from 9:30 - 10:15. On Thursday, the High School Food and Fitness team is hosting their 1st Annual Fall Fitness Day. Students will participate in 4 different stations of physical activity to support healthy living. This event takes place from 2:20 - 3:00. Then of course Friday is an 3-hour early out due to homecoming. There will be a Pep Assembly in the morning to gear up our school spirit. Don't forget the homecoming parade at 2:30!

So, we'll do our best to keep some structure and routine this week, but as you can see, there are some definite obstacles in our way. However, each of our extra events does have a good reason behind it.

Kids, keep up the ghostbusting from last week. I'm impressed even in the first 2 days of improved behaviors. When you put your mind to something, you sure can make a difference!! I'll know you checked the blog this weekend if you spread this message around to other 5th grade students in the morning: (From now on when it rains during morning recess, students are expected to sit directly in front of a locker. They can chat with friends next to them or choose to read from their book bins. But no games will be allowed anymore.) I'll explain more about this in the morning, but this will give you a heads-up before you walk in the building.

Have a good night's rest and we'll see you bright and early!! Don't forget to read your 20 minutes tonight (if you haven't already)!

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