
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Movie Monday!!

What a great way to start the week, huh, 5B?  A super way to continue showing Cadet Pride for the movie on Monday is to wear something with Cadet, Crestwood, Cresco, or Blue/White/Black like we did the day of the play to UNI.  I'll do the same thing!

Monday will be a goofy day, no doubt, with some switching with math, science, and social studies.  Then we'll have a short literacy block before we eat.  Because we're leaving at 12:40 for the movie, there'll be no recess OR mentoring.  If you want to sit with your mentees during the movie, I can have you head down to their classrooms to check with their teachers right away in the morning.  Otherwise, you can make a plan for another day this week.

Other than Monday's celebration, this week is actually normal!  Well, as normal as 5B is capable of, heheeee..  Just kidding!

The Buddy Reading on Friday seemed to go very well.  Ms. Russell said her the 1st graders were so excited to come to our room!  I know there were a few students who needed extra reminders..... but I know a class of 5B students who need reminders once in awhile, too:-O  Thanks so much for being FANTABULOUS role models!  I'll try to get the photos of you and your buddies uploaded on the blog for you to see!

OK, I'll know you checked the blog if you pass the word around to come right in the classroom Monday morning and see where your new spots are since it's a new month! You've got to hurry though because we switch for math and science at 8:50 like usual.  I'll have it up on the Smartboard for you so go right ahead.  We'll do tickets, attendance and lunch AFTER we get moved:)

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