
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, December 3, 2015

2 Hour Delay.... a WHOLE LOT DONE!

Even with 2 hours less of school, 5B and the other 5th graders worked their TAILS off today!  Great job.  I saw some WONDERFUL examples of self-control today.  That's fabulous to see Cadet Pride from my 5B Babies (mama, mama)!

I'll keep it short tonight.  But remember tomorrow is a goofy schedule again due to the special visitors we have presenting
Mrs. McCabe worked hard to get them to visit OUR school, so let's be sure to show these visitors an AMAZING first impression of Crestwood Elementary and 5B!  The video link below is to watch for teachers, but I thought it would be a good introduction to The NED Show.  I'd like some BLOG Proof from the video.  NED stands for 3 different phrases.  On a piece of paper, write down....
N stands for ______________
E stands for ______________
D stands for ______________

After watching the video link below, you'll know the answers.  Write those in the blanks on your page.  Hand it to me as you come in Friday morning!  I'll also have small activity for you to work on when you come in.  Grab your scissors!  You'll need them!  

And tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

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