
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vacation is GOOD!

Well, 5B, I hope you've been enjoying your days off from school. I know I have. I've been extremely busy visiting family and traveling, and even though I'm tired, it's a lot of fun. We've been out of town for a bit, but I'm back in town now to celebrate the coming of a new year, 2010!! If you're able to comment at all, I'd love to hear/see what any of my 5B Babycakes have been up to over the break.

I've had some free time to continue reading the Twilight series. I absolutely LOVED the first book when I read it in November! Then, Santa gave me New Moon for Christmas, and I couldn't stop reading it, so I finished that one in 3 days! One night, I read for 4 hours straight. I guess my Read It and Eat It calendar would be filled up!! I'm hoping to see the movie before I come back from break, but I don't know if that will happen. I was trying to take a break before reading the third book, Eclipse, so I could see the movie for New Moon first, but I couldn't do it. I started reading it today. It's like I'm addicted to it! If anyone has read any of these, I would LOVE to talk to people about them.

I'll check for comments each day and then make a few more posts before I see you again "next year"! Keep checking the blog. I'm hoping to give you a heads-up if we plan to have our talent show when we come back. I'll chat with the other 5th grade teachers, and let you know what to plan for!

Enjoy the rest of your vacation! Hopefully, you've found some time to read something that you enjoy as much as I have with the Twilight books. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Well hi if you know who this is im in your class. Kaylie is at my house. Well my break has been awesome. Ok seriously theres like sad music in the background and looking at the pics. its weird(like you jk).
    Well enjoy the next couple days. See ya back at school. Have Fun...


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