
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Glad My 5B Angels Are Back!

I appreciate seeing my little darlings again. Thanks for showing me what you are truly capable of, 5B. I hope you enjoyed celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday with the website, cake and story creating. I think we made him proud. If you get a free minute or two tonight, maybe you can check out more on

I'll know you checked the blog tonight if you figure out the code within this message. All of the white letters up above, when put together, spell out a phrase. It's kinda weird. I'll give you a hint at least. There should be 5 words in your phrase. You don't need to scramble them. If written in order, you should figure out the code. I'd like you to write it down on a post-it and place in the 5B hand in tray. Make sure your name is on it, too!

Good luck...and see you in the morning!

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