
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's Been a Great Start to the Week!

I've been so impressed with the excitement and effort with our new technology projects!  You guys will become experts before your very own eyes!  Also, I am feeling quite proud of the hard workers with the editing page we did today, along with the Subject (Who or What, Who or What, Who or What) and Predicate (What's it doin'?) assignment!  Keep up the super responsibility, effort and respect!

With tomorrow being a 3 hour early out, we'll have another goofy schedule with library right before lunch. Some of you have been forgetting your library books, so this is a reminder for you!  Don't forget your book bins! And, I'll let you start checking out new books from the book order!  Yippee!

I'll keep it short tonight. Here's a challenge for you to prove you've checked the blog.  Come in right away and begin doing jumping jacks.  Don't count out loud or chat with anyone.  Just do as many as you can until I tell you to stop.  I'll have a little something for you if you can handle the challenge!

See you for a short, but productive day Wednesday!


  1. In dance Trista and I have to do jumping jacks for a whole 2 min. It is a lot more challenging then it sounds. After 30 seconds you feel like passing out!!! :P :0)

    see you tomorrow,

  2. I agree with alison but I WILL TRY my hardest!


    Peace out Payton Hanni (secret agent)


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