
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Count Down Has Started....

I looked at the calendar to map out a few of our activities for the next few weeks and realized how LITTLE time we have left together for the year 2011!!!  The picture of stockings on the top right of the blog has 2 purposes:
1)  If you click on that picture of stockings at ANY time, it will give you the exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds we have left until Christmas vacation!  It's kinda fun to see!
2) The stockings should remind you to bring in a stocking (Christmas, plain one from your drawer, borrow from a parent, friend, etc. as long as it's clean) to hang on your desk/table at school.  I was told by a certain someone (initials are S.C.) that you should have a stocking hanging on your desk/table BEFORE Tuesday, December 13.

So, be sure to check that picture out often as a reminder and a countdown if you're at all anxious for break. We also need to keep in mind ALL of the things we need to complete before that countdown is done... Look at the list below as a way of realizing how much we have to do...
*Finish Social Studies Colony Projects
*Social Studies Unit 3 Test on the Colonies
*Math Unit 4 Test on Division 
*Science Quiz or Test??
*Finish Persuasive Essay in Writing
*Finish Reading Theme for LEAD 21 and 2 more selections
*Another Weekly Assessment in Reading
*Unit 2 Reading Assessment
*Make Christmas cards for Caring in Cresco Activity
*Big Blast, Limo Rides, Tug-o-War
*Talent Show Practice
*1 last Skype with Senorita Rachel 

As you can see, we have OODLES and OODLES to do, and do it well!!!  So, let's keep the countdown in our mind, but make sure we still keep our heads on straight (hey, that's an idiom - doy!)  I'll know checked the blog by writing down the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds it said on the Countdown when you checked the blog.  Show it to me on Monday morning!  Have a great rest of your weekend.  Don't forget your stockings!  Maybe even remind your 5B pals to check the blog, too!  

1 comment:

  1. Hey mrs.sorenson its payton and my dad is planing on being there tomorrow at the mega party. And I will bring my stocking tomorrow.


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