
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, November 9, 2015

MAN, it was a Good MONDAY!

5B had a smooth transition back into school after the 3 day weekend! That is AWESOME!  Whether you were tired from your weekend or you just put your FOCUS on FULL POWER like Sunday night's blog stated.... I'll take it!

We had some great discussion and reflections today in writing class.  The video we watched "I Fought for You" to honor veterans and the book, The Wall by Eve Bunting reminded us that authors write from what is on the inside, what they feel connected to or are inspired from.  If you enjoyed the video we watched first, it is on the right side of the blog at the top.

Tomorrow we plan to use parts of speech to make a Veterans Day tribute video for our special guests on Wednesday, November 11th.

It appears there is VERY little homework tonight, so please remember these simple tasks for this week...
1)  Bring back your report card envelope!
2)  Bring back your Tylenol paper!
3)  Wear Red, White or Blue (or a combination of them) on Wednesday!
4)  Explore Kidblog if you get a chance!
5)  Be sure to tell your families about....

I see some parents already have "Liked" us!  That's great!  And to be absolutely clear, our 5B Facebook page is for PARENTS to "Like" if they wish.  I will still use the 5B Blog as usual to connect with my 5B Babies (mama, mama!)

I feel bad that some of you didn't get a chance to share today in class... So... would those of you who did NOT get called on, share on the TodaysMeet Link HERE, and I'll start Tuesday morning off by sharing this?  I'm pretty sure some of you were Spencer, Kelsey, Brian, Ashton...and I know there were others, so please let us know how YOU spent the 3 day weekend, OKEY DOKEY?!

Blog Proof...  Come prepared to Writing class tomorrow by coming up with...
1) Noun (a person, place or object or idea)
2) Verb (an action that can be done"
3) Adjective (a word describing a noun or pronoun)
They all have to have SOME kind of connection to Veterans Day or veterans. Write them down. This will help you out quite a bit when we start the activity in class!  

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