
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Work, Work, Work...

Wuzz up, 5B Babycakes!
The last few days have been great days for getting work done. I've seen amazing workers during literacy time. Are we still chatting???? Uh, yes... But I do feel like we're being more productive. I like so many of you taking your writers' workshop pieces so seriously. Thursday will be your last day to work on your piece because Friday we SHOW OFF our published pieces - our best work!

We seemed like a smaller class today with Judd, Adam and Collin being gone. We know Judd won't be back tomorrow due to his surgery, but we sure hope Adam and Collin will be. We don't feel complete unless our whole 5B family is here! Everyone, get well soon and get back with us!

Remember Thursday is Red and Purple Day - show you care about others by donating a non-perishable food item! Let's see how much you care, how responsible you are and how much respect you can show towards others by thinking of them first!

Also, 5B students, help remind your families to return your conference slips. Even if the times don't work, that's fine. Write down a time range that DOES work, and I'll do what I can to schedule something that's doable. Thanks again!

5B, I've noticed that students are not always checking the blog as much, so here's a little test for you. If you DO check the blog tonight, write "I checked the blog." on a post-it note and make sure your name is on it. Put it in YOUR mailbox. Don't tell anyone or talk to anyone about it. You'll earn a special something tomorrow, but I'm not telling you what it is.

We'll see who's doing their jobs??!! See you Thursday morning! Good work today, my little munchkins (heehehehee).

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