
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Busy Day Today...

Hey, 5B Top Dogs (you know the sound to make!),
It was quite a busy day today. I know we shared a tiny bit about our weekends, but it seems like the day just went so fast. I was extremely impressed with the seriousness and respect you showed for the September 11th video and discussion in reading class. I also thought your enthusiasm with the writing rap was top notch!

I forgot to tell you that I bumped into a 3rd grade teacher and her class in the hallway when you guys were at recess, and they said to be ready for a sneak attack of blue slips this week. They said we'd be in for some major competition. So...let's get our game on!!!!! It was a great day today, so let's keep it up, shall we?!
A Quick Reminder to 5B Students and Parents...
1) Be ready for your first test tomorrow over Norman Borlaug
2) Return your band notes by Friday
3) Book orders due this Friday (paper or online)
4) Pictures are next Tuesday!

I'll know you checked the blog if you show me a small dance move you could add to our "What is Writing? Rap". You can show me the move as you come in the classroom Thursday. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, just a little something to show you "feel the music in ya' bones!" Can't wait to see you movin' and shakin'!

Peace out, Homeys!
Mrs. Sorenson

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