
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pretty Tough Monday, Huh, 5B?!

Well, hopefully you were able to get some rest and relaxation this afternoon since your morning was so exhausting.....NOT! Ok, so we gave you a day to celebrate your super effort put you put into the first quarter of 5th grade. Now, it's back to work! Tomorrow will be a regular day with band lessons, P.E., switching classes, group band and of course, lots of thinking!

Reminders for Tuesday...
1) You have a Perspective Assignment for writing class due (EVERYONE should have this done since it was due Monday!!!!)
2) Math page should be done since IT was also due Monday.
3) Wear green and "Sock it to Responsibility" by wearing crazy/goofy socks. (Even un-matching ones works!)

I'll know you checked the blog if you check out the the link on the side of the blog that is titled, "You Think Life is Tough?" It is right below the picture of the Blobs for Literacy photo. Watch the video and tell me ONE word that it makes you feel after watching it. It made me want to cry:( Write that ONE word on the white board (with your name next to it) when you come in Tuesday morning. We'll watch it again as a class to see everyone's reactions.

Thanks for a great day, 5B! Let's have another FANTABULOUS quarter!
~Mrs. Sorenson

1 comment:

  1. hey Mrs.Sorensin I felt sooo bad for him

    peace out brooklyn


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