
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Short but Busy Day!

Wow, I know today was a 1/2 day of school, but it seemed to go even faster than normal!  I hope everyone had fun afternoons doing things!  I was busy WORKING like crazy!  But it's great because I had a lot of time to look at work from what  you've done in literacy and make plans for us to work, work, work on all sorts of strategies!!  Yippee!!

The dance moves from the Memphis and Greta's blog post were hilarious and fun to watch!  We definitely need a little dance party each week in here!  You guys "gots da' moves!"

Reminder for Friday!!!!
Play at UNI:  Be at school by 8:00 in the classroom!  Have lunch with you.  Bring devices you feel comfortable/safe with you.  Wear Crestwood or Cadet type clothing or colors to promote and be role models for our grade and elementary school.

Super Hero Projects:  LOVED the 3 that came in today!  Teachers stopped by our room after school today and thought they were fantastic!  I'm thinking we'll be needing time next week to do some more sharing with them, not just on Friday after the play!  Remember to get that "theme song" down to share with us!

We've had some great moments this week, but our chattiness and self-control needs to be a PRIORITY everyday, every class, every moment.  Think about the Mission Impossible for 14 days of caring.  Showing others you think of them and their learning, would be a super way to show you care.  Right?

Ok..  Dress warmly again tomorrow...I'm sure you'll be outside.  Also, the Discovery Center will be closed Thursday and Friday mornings, so you won't be able to check the blog there.  Please pass this onto your classmates.  The cafeteria aides will not let you come down for any reason.  So, you'll have to come in quickly and grab a computer to check the blog if you couldn't do it at home.  Pass this onto others..

I'll know you checked the blog if you come straight in, go to Read to Self or Work on Writing.  Those blue tickets sure to add up for something as simple as checking the blog:)


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