
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Whoa.....What Happened in 5B Today??

5B??  Are you there?  I'm not sure who was in our classroom today?  There were so many bubbles in our room today that 5B seemed to be lost.  As you left the room today, each of you could easily tell me what it was that you could do to improve for tomorrow.

Here were many of your suggestions:
Chat less
Talk to friends less
Not talk so much
Stop playing with stuff around me
Listen better when speaker is talking
Don't chat in line in the hallways
Move quicker to next place, job
Keep track of my stuff better
Don't talk to people when doing the triangle game
Stop interrupting
Don't blurt out what I'm thinking
Be more a part of my group instead of spacing off

Wow, huh?  That's a whole lot bubbles, wouldn't you say?  No wonder why things didn't go as smoothly as they could, right?  I know I've seen AMAZING behaviors from 5B so far.  So, it seems like today was a major

But remember, it's ok to make mistakes ONLY if you 
So..  I'll know you checked the blog IF you come up with the ONE behavior on the list from above you think is the MOST "bubbly" (distractible) behavior that we dealt with today.  Write it down and share it with me as you come in Thursday morning, ok?  We will be sharing them with the class, too.  

It's like Bob the Builder says, "Can we fix it?"

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