
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Awesome Week...Chatty Thursday.... Great End....

It's hard to believe what amazing behaviors 5B displays!  I feel SOOOO proud of our class overall!  You should be worried about that though because I'm not going to let you move onto 6th grade at this rate!  You're stuck with me!!  :)

With that said, we need to remember what we are truly capable of (SUCH AMAZING qualities!!) and keep up those behaviors.  Every single one of you has shown fantastic respect, but some of us are forgetting to show it in ALL situations.  So, think about silly behaviors like racing to the front of the line, leaving sweatshirts and clothes around the room, asking for more snacks when you've been giving a treat, etc.  Don't these kind of seem pretty silly for 5th graders to display?  Let's just do our best at all times.... not just when we feel like, ok?  

Mrs. Shekleton said library was the best class she's EVER had!  She got farther with you guys than any other class:)  Yeehaw!

Have a great night.  Think about how tomorrow will be FILLED with opportunities to show that you can handle busy, crazy, fun, exciting situations.  Right?  That can be the best proof of learning from our silly mistakes.  Can you PROVE IT??? Yes, You...________!

Remember tomorrow:
3 hour early out
Wear Cadet Colors
Science Homework - Sound Survey (5 people)

I'll know you checked the blog if you ask me, "Who are our special buddies for today?"  

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