
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, May 26, 2014


OMG, 5B!
This weekend's weather gave me TOO much of a taste for summer weather!  It's probably a good thing we only have 5 1/2 days left before summer break.  It would be pretty tough to stay too focused!  But you all have really been amazingly on-task and working your tails off!  So, I'm sure you'd be able to handle it!

Wasn't last Friday's Camp Read S'more perfect for being outside and relaxing, reading and chillin' with families and friends?!  Wow, we couldn't have asked for a better day or nicer weather!  Here are OODLES of pictures from then.  The pics will go down quite a ways, so be sure to finish reading the rest of the blog!  OH, and I'm sorry for those of you I missed! I tried tracking down everyone, but I couldn't find everyone by the end of it!  Sorry:(  So happy you made it though and were able to read together!

I just wanted to remind you of some "biggies" that we need to be working on this week still! 
#1  Human Body End Project:
  You ALL should have your direction pages at home, searching for items that can be used for each of 5 different body systems.  There are UNLIMITED ideas, so be creative!  If you are NOT in band, you can begin sorting through your materials and working on your project in class on Tuesday. The band people, will start on Wednesday!

Hey, did anyone search that "testosterone" fact about the fingers?
If you find it out, PLEASE share it with us.  
The next "biggie" is for WRITING!
#2 Think Tac Toe Writing Projects:  We are sharing these Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be set aside for any "paper" projects since our technology devices will be limited as the week goes on.  Be sure you are ready and completing each and all of your Think Tac Toe pieces.  If they are on Google Docs, be sure to Share them to me!

Let's see here! That's all I have for now!  We are definitely getting closer to "the end".  I've been reading your writing pieces and songs, and I started tearing up after seeing the sweet reflections from this year...  Ahh... you better bring extra Kleenexes.  I'm going to be a blubbering mess!!!!  Ahh.. 

I'll know you checked the blog tonight if... hmm....if you look at the picture below of Isaiah.  He had $5 from his birthday a few weeks ago and just HAD to buy this new item.  If you can identify WHAT kind of farm machinery is in his hands, I'll know you checked the blog!  Whisper to me in the morning:)  Remember... tomorrow is TUESDAY, so we have P.E.  

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