
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Monday, May 5, 2014

Work, Work, Work...

Hey, 5B!

Awesome working day, today!  We have 4 days until our Poetry Slam! I'd love to know how many parents or family members we'll be expecting on Friday!  I'll be asking tomorrow who is planning on coming.  That way I can get an estimate for the activities and time we'll need to space out for the FABULOUS POETS!

It will be awesome to hear your own original poems, hear classmates singing and really showcase how "cool" 5B really is!  And Anthony, if you want to Be-Box... you go for it, Dude!

If your family wants to bring in a small snack/drink to munch on for part of the poetry activities, they are welcome to do so.  Just be sure that you follow the policy of healthy snacks and of course, no peanut products.

I'll keep it short tonight, but remember you have "Coffee Talks" this week again.  You have a Puberty packet due Friday, and of course, you have the....

Ok... Here's your blog checking proof.  It's kinda weird.  However, don't tell ANYONE...or even talk to them about it.  I want to see who is REALLY taking time to check:)  It's down below in the light blue colored font.  Drag and highlight over it to see it better.  Remember... say nothing....  keep it "on the down-low".... (That's an idiom - doy!)

Instead of meeting in our classroom as usual, meet in the computer lab.  Bring your backpacks and everything.  Don't stop at your lockers or chat with anyone, just go straight there.  I'll be there waiting to see who shows up.  Thanks for being secretive:)

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to this event 5B!!!! Poetry is cool! I will have a short one ready havnt wrote it yet but did a magnetic one but I got carried away and will write a short one later....See you today! I dont know if Im bringing two but i will bring drinks and a snack! Andrea Strand!!!!!!!!


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