
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Wow, 5B!
Can you believe it?  Tomorrow will be the survival of 2 FULL WEEKS back at it!  Wowza!  It's been lots of fun, laughs and learning!

Our only "itty bitty" issue we're still working on is the chatty bug that seems to be hanging around.  Your 5B Mama KNOWS you can do it.... I've seen it, YOU'VE seen it!  YOU CAN DO IT!  But just like all bugs that seem to pester us from time to time, we need to get our the swatter to rid ourselves of them!  As you left today, the chatty bug was swatted out of you:)  I got each one of you, so we should have a FABULOUS, FANTASTIC Friday, right?!

I told you that tomorrow we have a special activity planned.  Our morning classes will be the same rotations with each of the Fantastic 5, Dream Team and Wonderful Wackos!  Our afternoon will be something different!  Be sure your brains get some rest tonight because they will be CHALLENGED tomorrow!  I'll tell you more about it in the morning, ok?

I wanted to be sure to give you a HUGE....
for making sure our classroom was picked up today!  MUCH better!  But I did hear one of our 5B family members say that HIS mom at home ALWAYS picks up after him!  Sorry, buddy!  Not here!

The room was FANTASTIC today!  Thanks for fixing it:)

For blog proof tonight... This will be a good one!  I know if we put our minds to it, we'll get this chattiness under control.  Sometimes, we just need some deep, deep focusing.  When you come in on Friday morning, please do your normal balloon popping, get out your materials and THEN find a spot somewhere on the floor to meditate like this dog:)  I'll come to you and whisper "ahh... focus..."  You can then get up and go to your home!  Don't tell anyone the magic words!  
Have a peaceful night:)

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