
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Oh, My, Oh, My....

This was our day....

YIKES!!!  We had a TOUGH Tuesday!  Although our little 5B cherubs LOOKED amazing for school pictures, the impulsive behaviors and chatting was out of control!  YIKES, YIKES, YIKES!

Your blog proof tonight will be involving your parents/family.  Can you please explain to them what the bubbles represent for our class?  Explain the activity we did to help us understand why we refer to bubbles on a day like today.  Your blog proof should be a note from your mom, dad, or someone who is "in charge"  at home stating that you've explained what we mean by bubbles!  Also, be sure they include what "bubbles" you are struggling with (and remember, we are a 5B Family, so we understand that mistakes happen.  However, we need to actually fix them, not keep repeating them).

Just to be clear, 5B, this is not an "I'm in trouble note" at all.  I just want to be sure that families are completely aware and can help you make the best choices possible to learn!

Poor Sawyer... Happy Birthday!  Due to the bubbles and behaviors, he went through a lightning speed birthday dance at the VERY end of the day!  Thanks for the yummy treats, Bud!!  HOPEFULLY, tomorrow will be a WONDERFUL Wednesday so we can celebrate ANOTHER birthday without the craziness that happened to dear Sawyer!

So, I'm thinking the message below is one to read over a few times before tomorrow's class time...
So, let's answer this question, 
"Can we FIX IT?"

Take it from Bob, the Builder....

Math:  Remember any math homework you may have tonight!  
Reading:  International Reading Day - Get those door hangers hung up and read 20 minutes every day/night!
Extra:  Also, if you can get your parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, etc. to go out and VOTE for their choice of school board members, I'll have SOMETHING SPECIAL for YOU!  It's at the fair grounds in the Featherlite building.  Proof will be that little sticker they get OR a note from them stating they DID, in fact, go and vote!  

Tomorrow is ALREADY 1/2 way through the week! Yeehaw, baby!!

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