
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, September 10, 2015

THINKING Thursday!

YEP!  The bubbles are starting to get under control!!  Yeah!! So proud of 5B today!  I wanted to make sure EVERYONE heard that comment before we left today.  I really feel like today was showing MAJOR improvement with self-control and using the T.H.I.N.K. strategy when making decisions!  Woo-hoo, babies!!

I thought today's writing activity showed this well, too!  The sculptures below are some artists' masterpieces after showing how art and writing really have the same process when you go through all of the steps!  It took major effort to not touch the supplies until it was the right time!  Bravo!


Finally, I want to celebrate the reading class that I meet with!  Be sure to tell your families about your "college buddy" you met today!  It's rare that 5th graders get personal college-aged reading experts and buddies to chat and read with!  What a great first Skype session with them!  I think we'll have a blast getting to know them better and seeing how they feel about reading, too!
Daniel meeting Megan!

Tara and Joey meeting Rachel!
Alrighty then!!  The week has really flown by, with no school on Monday!  Tomorrow will be a blast, I think! Be ready to get yourself "fit" to celebrate our Fall Fitness Day!  Maybe even get yourself stretched out for some extra classroom exercises!  

Your blog proof tonight will be to come in the room, pop your attendance balloon, and find a spot in the room to do some kind of exercise IN PLACE.  It could be running in place, jumping jacks, sit ups (ugh, not me!), push-ups (nope, not me either), one of Fee-Fee's moves, etc.  However, you DON'T SPEAK to ANYONE.  This will be the BIGGEST proof to me.  If you are TALKING while exercising, I'll know you did NOT fully check the blog!  

And 1, And 2, And 1, And 2, Keep Going... :)
Get rested for a fun-filled day of being PHYSICALLY FIT!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am creating a lesson file, and was wondering if I could have permission to use your THINK strategy poster picture. Thanks, Emma


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