
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Crazy Day! Mrs. Sorenson is losing her memory!

Thanks for being so flexible today!  The morning seemed pretty regular and routine for everyone.  The blog checkers did an AMAZING job showing how to come in quietly, pop their balloons, get out materials and then get right to one of those apps/websites.  Totally impressed!

However... Mrs. Sorenson's brain must have been on overload because our FAST reading assessments were today (and I forgot to tell you about it...  oops), AND we had guidance with Mrs. McCabe and COMPLETELY forgot about that one!  Whoopsie Daisy!!

So, thanks again for just "going with the flow..."

Our FIRST DAY OF GROUP BAND was today!!  I didn't get a chance to ask any of the band members how it went.  Our afternoon went so quickly!  I'll be sure to ask about that in the morning.

I'm guessing it was a lot of expectations and how to's today.  I'm really proud of those students who chose to take on another responsibility and skill.  It will be a lot of work and practice!  Super students!!!

For those of you WHO ARE IN BAND...  Here's your blog proof.  Please watch the video below to see what we did while you all were becoming more musical!  We were trying the same thing!  I'll know you checked the blog because you'll whisper in my ear the MAIN WORDS they are saying in the video and do the MAIN ACTION they are doing!  Heheheheee... This will be good!
Click Here for the Video!

If you are NOT IN BAND, you already know about the little activity we did.  Your blog proof will be to come in and ACT OUT ONLY (No Sounds/Words/Noises AT ALL) the actions from the activity we did.  There are 3 of them.  So I should see you doing...
1) The main action
2) The action you do when you are "it"
3) The action you do when someone else is next to you and is "it"

That's It... But here are some reminders!
Otherwise, remember the math homework you have about getting your parents' signatures. Also, the Cadet Nation t-shirt orders are due.  Then, of course, Friday is our field trip to the Norman Borlaug farm!  Yeah!!!!

Peace out, Homeys!

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