
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Bit of a Rollercoaster Today...

Greetings, 5B Models (strike a pose!),
I'm feeling pretty exhausted after today...  It seems we had a exciting but goofy start to our day with meeting Carl and then having math in the morning.  That seemed to start our day off kinda differently.  It seemed to have its ups and downs after that.  I saw some great Cadet Pride in line behavior, bathroom breaks and I heard that band time went well with Mrs. Jones at the end of the day.  Yippee!! 

However.. the chatting seemed to be a bit more today.  Beating yesterday's MODEL DAY will be a pretty tough challenge, but I'm DARING you to BRING it ON!  I'd love to see you beat yesterday's behaviors!  Prove me wrong, my little darlings!  Also... our room is starting to become a wee bit messy due to careless actions.  I'd like us to work on that more so our room can be a neat and tidy home away from home, ok?

Remind your families about the 3-hour early out tomorrow.  Also, if you weren't liking the hot lunch option, remember there is no salad bar option. (Don't want anyone going hungry!) Oh, and you have library tomorrow, too.

Also, remember the Homecoming T-shirt orders are due by tomorrow.  I'll collect them in the morning and send them up right away.

Tomorrow will be a goofy schedule because of the early out... I won't get to see you much AT ALL!  That makes me SO SAD:(  I'll have the schedule on the white board in the morning, so be sure to check that out right away.  You'll start with math, then go to library, then science and FINALLY I get to see you for writing/social studies!  It will definitely be a whirlwind of learning tomorrow.

I'll know you checked the blog if you check out the website on the side of the blog that says "What's Wrong with this Photo?"  It's way down on the list.  You really have to STARE CLOSELY at your computer/laptop/etc. to see what's wrong with the photo.  I bet you can't find it!  Write down ONE word that you FEEL when you find what's wrong with the photo.  I am REALLY excited to see your responses!!!!!  Give it to me as you come in on Wednesday morning:)

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