
INSPIRED by Norman Borlaug

Wordle: Norman Borlaug

Thursday, January 22, 2015


You'll have to share the poem by Robert Frost we read in class today with your parents/families.  If you have the paper copy, that will work, but if you don't, you can watch the 2 clips on the blog that I shared today.  I was SO crazy impressed that your 5th grade brains could take on such a deep poem with the hidden meanings!

Tell your parents....
Watch out world, here comes 5B!!!

For homework, a few of you have some math homework, and otherwise it was a pretty free night for you.  Don't forget to bring a coffee cup/mug for our "Coffee Talks"!  I'm excited to see/hear some more deep thinking like I saw with "The Road Not Taken."  Let's get the THINKING STARTED, baby!!

And I can't believe it's....

Our week has flown by AGAIN!  Our 2,795 points for Cadet Pride is showing!  But let's get those white tickets under control!  Right?!

Blog Proof Tonight:  Watch this video of a fun game we will do together in the morning!  It's called Kum-Cha.  Click Here  Watch a few times, but I'll be showing you how to do it more slowly tomorrow!

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